A clever way to trick your laziness and start working as a hare-Energizer
Productivity / / December 23, 2019
Shoot me down!
It happens that these words, you start your work?
We all sometimes "not rushing." Even on the most interesting work.
What to do? Someone brew yourself a strong coffee, someone pulls out a photo of your tax inspector, and someone just playing the fool.
I, too, find themselves in this situation. All this self-motivation, all these "Gather, rag" work sucks. You had something else.
I found a way to work without fatigue, extraneous thoughts and with full dedication. Method clear even pyatiklashke, but effective. And willpower you do not need!
Shoot me down!
It happens that these words, you start your work?
We all sometimes "not rushing." Even on the most interesting work.
What to do? Someone brew yourself a strong coffee, someone pulls out a photo of your tax inspector, and someone just playing the fool.
I, too, find themselves in this situation. All this self-motivation, all these "Gather, rag '- work sucks. You had something else.
And I found it!
I found a way to work without fatigue, extraneous thoughts and with full dedication.
Method pyatiklashke clear even, but at the same time effective. And willpower you do not need!
In this article I will tell you about the time management system Pomodoro.
Oh, do not curve your nose! About Tomato heard everything, but few have tried it. But I tried.
I love tomatoes, so I like tomatoes, I eat them with ketchup and drinks tomato juice! Folk art
But first, a description
Pomodoro - could not be easier!
Perform 5 easy steps:
- We define the tasks on which we will work
- Put a timer for 25 minutes
- We work without distractions
- After 25 minutes, making 5-minute break, even if the task is not done
- Return to step 1 or 2
Another rule:
- "Ate" 4 tomatoes? Makes a great break - 15-30 minutes
- At the end of the day we count the number of tomatoes
- Distracted by something? Pomidorka "burns" - start all over again!
That's the whole "system". But it works!
What is the trick of tomato?
We have so much on Layfhakere write about what we have to work in focus. Without being distracted. All the attention - the current case. And this achieves a tomato!
You can not be distracted - or Pomidorka will not be counted. It's a shame? Aha!
Gamification. Now it is fashionable. Exhaust work - play in the work))
Why does it work?
5-minute rest
Rest in advance, rather than when the eyes will emerge on the keyboard. In this rest comfortably squeeze a workout for the same eyes, his stiff back and ass, for the joints.
In general, these 5 minutes, it is necessary to distract MAXIMUM.
Work sitting? Stand up! Working at the computer? Go for a walk!
But the main thing - to switch the head. If you are working on some project, you need to stop thinking about it.
I can share a recipe: I go on YouTube, I include some "smehuechki" get up and perform stretching exercises.
I stand up, I wave my hands rzhu. This is my worker-peasant method. You, ladies and gentlemen, this may be something more noble: Yoga or meditation.
15-30 minute break
Well, this break just created in order to take a nap. Small nap works wonders. You seem to live two energetic day one!
If you can not sleep, you have to distract the other way. You can, for example, take a walk in the park and eat snacks.
When the Pomodoro is good?
Here is a list of those with a tomato on the way:
- programmers
- Translators
- writers
In short, those who are long stretches of monotonous activity.
Tomato is good when you need to do a lot for the whole day. Break your ass! And the work is not hunting.
And you do not work, and play. How many tomatoes you can eat per day?
Pomodoro - excellent technique and in terms of Energy management, because you make regular breaks, replenishing your energy.
There is something in the Pomodoro and from training. You're Reward yourself for each business segment, "a piece of sugar" in the form of a break. By the way, this can be a real piece of sugar))
When Pomodoro «does not roll"?
Pomodoro does not roll when you do not have large blocks of time to work. When you are constantly pulled. For example, you are sitting on calls. What's the tomatoes? Rang - work. Do not call - do not work.
Or you tightly associated with a group of colleagues. And they have their own work habits.
Or you have a small child who is put (in the literal sense, yeah) for all your time management.
What to do if you are distracted once? To Pomidorka not burned, it is necessary to quickly transfer this distraction. Record for the future. And continue to eat their current tomatoes. For example, if you receive a call, you simply call back during a break and all.
My experience
It happens that I work all day without distractions. Then Pomodoro taxis!
And it happens that day to twitch. Cases appear and then disappear. Then the tomato does not work.
And this is how looks my tomato timer:
Yeah, it's just a digital clock. I have enough. I do not chase for accuracy. 25 or 35 minutes in tomatoes - it's not so important, in my opinion. After all, the tomatoes are different from "Cherry" to "beef heart"))
Conveniently, my watch is always with me. After all, I work not only at the computer. I often work on the go. I can, for example, 2 hours to go and dictate the article or read a book. In these cases, I also take breaks at Pomodoro.
Apps for Pomodoro
Layfhaker constantly writes about the applications and programs at Pomodoro. Find all of this can be this link.
Yes, to hell with them, with the programs. See what nyashny timer can be bought at Ikea for just 64 rubles:
Pomodoro - a simple, yet powerful time management system.
Be sure to try it right now. And do not forget to unsubscribe about results here - on Layfhakere!
Write in the comments!
Applies whether your work Pomodoro?
Did you try to work this way? How efficient? Grew?