Do you think that getting enough sleep, but it is not
Productivity / / December 23, 2019
We can go to bed at 22:00, but tossed in bed for more than two hours and go to sleep after midnight. It is unlikely that such a dream can be considered good. In our today's post we will talk about how to tell if your sleep is effective, and how to make it so.
Many people think that sleep is enough, but in reality it is not always the case. They can lie in bed for seven hours, but wake of these five or six. Not surprisingly, the next day they feel tired and overwhelmed.
Even if you go to bed too late, but sleep is ineffective, the benefits of this is not enough. Fortunately, today there are excellent trackers like FitbitThat allow us to understand how effective was our dream. There are also many practical tips on how to increase sleep efficiency.
Research in this area is comparatively recent. And at the moment there is no one specific magic number, the approach to which would mean a 100% effective sleep. Ultimately, determining value are your feelings: Do you feel rested in the morning, alert and able to concentrate on business. All this is too complex concepts that you can not measure a single digit.
How to measure sleep efficiency
There are three main components of a good sleep, how long you sleep, what time of day you went to sleep, as well as the efficiency (ie quality) of your sleep.
Until such time as a fitness trackers on sale, few people had heard of sleep efficiency - is possible only by specialists. There are ways to help measure this parameter. For example, actigraphy - registration of human motor activity with a sensor fixed on the wrist.
Today there are many applications for smartphones, which can keep track of all your movements during sleep due to the built in accelerometer smartphone. For example, Sleep Time and Sleep Cycle. applications can also track the phases of sleep and wake you up when it's time to get up.
Of course, you should not rely solely on the data that will provide you with gadgets. Your body itself is able to tell that something is wrong. For example, you feel constant excessive sleepiness during the day or a long lie in bed at night and can not sleep.
If you constantly watch your dream, you will be able over time to understand what prevents you well fall asleepAnd sleep and sleep. You may need to change something in your life, such as going to bed a little earlier or stop eating and watching scary movies at night.
How to improve your sleep
- Turn off the TV, computer and mobile phone an hour before bedtime. Or at least 30 minutes, if you feel you do not have time to complete all the cases. The reason that should do it, is simple: our brain perceives blue light that emanates from the gadgets, as a signal that it is now daytime.
- Make yourself sleep schedule. Try to go to bed and wake up at about the same time every day. This will help you more or less to structure your day.
- Do not engage in intense exercise before bedtime. Many of us think that through physical exercise, we are weary and go to sleep tight. But in reality this is not always the case: physical exercise can raise our body temperature, and because of this it will be harder to fall asleep.
- Do not drink alcohol before going to bed. Yes, at first glance it may seem that alcohol helps sleep better. But do not forget that he is able to make our dream restless.
In pursuit of effective sleep do not forget that you are not a soulless robot, but a living person, and therefore, not all and not always perfect. By the way, if you fall asleep immediately after being formed and turned off the light, there is no need to think that you have trouble sleeping. It is quite normal - tossing in bed for 20-30 minutes before falling into the arms of Morpheus.
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