How to plan your work as it is done by professional writers?
Productivity / / December 23, 2019
We provide a synthesis of interviews with authors of popular literary works, which tells about the process of creation.
They write in the morning. It begins early enough, mainly between 7 and 8 o'clock.
They have a so-called ritual before you start writing. It primarily helps the brain to tune in to the job.
Writers drink coffee, a lot of coffee.
They work in isolation. Naturally, no mobile phones or e-mail.
And now, we present some recommendations that will help to realize the above:
— work within a few days. This has a positive impact on quality;
— get up early;
— Create your own mini-ritualAfter which you start to write. It can be breakfast or a cup of coffee with the morning paper. The main thing is not to delay;
— operate in an isolated placeWhere you will not be able to disturb or distract;
— write for 2-3 hours, not more;
— Observe the specified schedule. Do not write at a different time of day or in public places.
via How to Schedule Your Writing Like a Professional Writer