Snooze snooze forever
Productivity / / December 23, 2019
To learn how to win the habit of postponing the case "for later", it is written a lot of articles and notes on blogs, but learned a few - mainly the authors own words retell already been written.
Fresh, I think, look at this topic can be found in note: Armen Petrosyan:
Any project or task, no matter how important and burning, they would not seem to you now, only a microscopic blip on your life path. I doubt you recall three or four episodes a year ago, let alone the student rush jobs you do and remember to smile. Which of this conclusion? Getting to the problem, I do not think about how well I will be when I get rid of "hanging" over my head debt. Look for future work as a chance to make ourselves stronger, more effective. This workout. Call. Pick the right definition. Decide what desirable qualities you could improve in the course of work on a task. I like to formulate meanings, convert information into knowledge to build effective communication.
Postpone postponing forever