Life hacking, how quickly arrange a meeting - open access to your calendar
Productivity / / December 23, 2019
In this article I will talk about a curious Google Calendar features that can dramatically simplify your interaction with partners.
How long it takes you out to arrange with a friend or colleague for a meeting?
In an ideal world, only a couple of phrases: "On Thursday, four?" - "Yes!".
In reality, the greater the activity you develop, the more contacts and more difficult to agree on an appointment, or even just phoned in to Skype. You do, partner business. It begins an endless "zip tennis' approvals.
Or you are the director of a large company. Your schedule should see all the staff, some partners, as well as relatives and friends. And the schedule is also constantly changing.
What to do?
To help us come to ...
Kaizen and Kanban
So, we are faced with two conflicting objectives:
- manage the growing number of planned contacts;
- spend on it as little as possible resources.
You do not like the philosophy of kaizen classical problem: how to simultaneously lower costs and improve quality?
Therefore, to solve the problem, let's use one of the tools of kaizen - Kanban.
Kanban in his time was the best method of organizing production, when, instead of "push" parts on the conveyor belt (brought materials unloaded and farther out yourself) uses drawing (each subsequent section of the previous signals about how much material he needs now).
The same "pull" you can use in your personal time management.
Direct access to your calendar
Why not give it to all partners? Such a function is, for example google Calendar.
- Organizing an event? You do not need to notify anyone. Wishes to see everything for yourself and may even confirm their participation.
- Or you can even resolve the individual (most important) the partners themselves to create the events in your calendar. And you already confirm it. Extremely? Well, perhaps. :) But the possibility of this is!
- The event contains information about the time, place and enrollment. This saves time on unnecessary issues.
- I do not need no diary, no special programs. Your regular browser or even a smartphone.
- After the meeting, you can make it a short report and fix it there, in the calendar.
- And most of all I like here is this feature overlay calendars of different people to each other:
See how great shows all windows in which you can shove a joint meeting!
And most importantly, all of these endless questions, "What are you doing ???", "Can you in ???" Will remain in the past.
What about privacy?
To preserve its integrity, you can close what exactly you are doing.
It was:
It was:
In addition, you can create different calendars for work and personal affairs. And access to, for example, only to the worker.
in total
The effectiveness of even such a simple tool such as a calendar, depending on how you use it.
Sharing calendar can enhance not only your personal productivity, but also the productivity of small teams.
P. S. This article I wrote with my friend Vlad Epanchintseva. Thanks to him!
Write in the comments!
And how do you make an appointment? Do you use Google Calendar?