How to set goals and use time
Productivity / / December 23, 2019
Felix Demin
Entrepreneur, traveler, surfer.
Many people ask how I get to conduct several business projects in different countries (in this case living in Bali), travel the world (54 country) a month make 39 workouts (surfing and Workout), 25 meditations, read 14 books, 25 lessons to learn English, to introduce two new habits, study 110 articles and videos on self-education, to develop a new skill at the same time to give the relationship enough time and be happy everyday.
I believe that to share valuable knowledge is important and necessary, and give you the most precious of their developments.
The purpose of this article - to become useful to you and to make life better. Anyone who can gain something useful and apply it in your life, become a better version of yourself.
Share in what has come to this point by a compilation of other systems and ideas, experiments and work on the development of its system for many years.
Setting goals
First a diary in my life I started the age of 11. First it was the paper diaries. There were so many. Later they were replaced by more advanced blogs Gleb Archangel, Pareto and others. Each new helping me to develop and build their own system.
In the course of the accumulation of experience and knowledge I have perfected blogs, and later began to use «Google Spreadsheets", and now am all the information in Wunderlist. This is the most user-friendly application of what I found.
The logic of my system began developing after I realized the mission of his life. She opened up to me six years ago in China. I remember that moment very clearly.
Once I found my mission, I realized that I need to do in order to reach it, I outlined for myself a vector of development for 50 years. Then I broke the global goal into smaller ones: for the year, month, week and every day.
Since I am in favor of a balanced development, I have identified areas of life that are important to me and in which I evolve constantly:
- Spiritual development.
- Business, Entrepreneurship.
- Creation.
- Personal development.
- Finance and other resources.
- Skills.
- Sport.
- Environment.
- Family.
- Women.
- Health, longevity.
In each area, I also highlighted the global targets for the year and then break them down into smaller ones. These goals - a kind of steps that can be easily measured. Thanks to them, I understand, I move, I can analyze the situation in any direction.
Realizing that can not always accurately predict the outcome, I decided to go on measurable resources. Therefore, my main resource - time.
So, the year - is 365 days, 8760 hours. I need this time wisely to allocate, on the basis of my goals for the year.
Here is an example of the objectives in the field of "Sports".
1. For 2016:
- Surfing - 400 hours.
- 360 + 40 hours at 15 workouts per month at + 2 hours each 40 hours for training.
2. Objectives:
- Enjoyment, feeling of flight and unbridled happiness.
- Champion of Russia on surfing.
- Russian Olympic team and the performance at the Olympic Games in Tokyo in 2020.
- Improving skills
3. Measurable indicator: time.
4. Technology and progress: by the decision of the coach.
5. Hire a videographer to shoot from the shore to keep a video diary of progress.
6. Learning from professional coaches.
7. Speech at the Surf Jam 2016 championship.
8. Understand what level I have relative to the total Russian, adjust the development plan.
That's how unsubscribe at each training session:
September 30th.
Kata, Uluwatu, 14 waves, at full tide, 4-7 feet, not particularly high-quality and small waves. Consciously something not working out, riding for pleasure.
If you did, then still unsubscribe by day and give reasons why not do it.
The structure of my Wunderlist
Folder "Objectives"
Here's what to Wunderlist my goals by month:
In the screenshot you can see how looks the folder "Objectives". Left - grouped targets by month, to the right - the target list for January 2016 year.
At the end of the month I am bringing the total for the month, for each target, on time, which I invested in these goals. Of the plan at an average of 75-90% of cases. I put the kind of flexibility that I was comfortable.
There are months when I'm on the go, or just do not want to do anything. In such cases, I can not force, as the system must be fun, otherwise it will not work.
For example, in January, did not get in 21 hours of 744 hours. Rest of the time clearly allocated, which is clearly demonstrated by the report month. According to it, I can keep track of schedule, to see where the falling behind and you need to pay more attention.
Keeping a month the entire system takes about six hours, but releases a lot of energy and saves much more time due to careful planning, analysis, and increase efficiency. Only the measuring, you can manage. This is the law of management, I learned, filling cones in business and personal effectiveness.
Here is the plan for one of my day:
Folder "Inbox"
There are usually new tasks or those that are made with the phone and did not have time to move to a specific folder.
Folder "The priority for today (a key task)"
It put a priority task for the day. I try every time to answer the question: "This task will greatly affect the goal of the year or not?".
Folder "Cargo 21"
It contains the tasks of my business.
Folder "Personal development"
It gets everything to do with self-improvement.
There are cyclic tasks that I try to do every day. This is a business, meditation, Training on the Workout, English lessons, surfing.
Here is an example of how I put objectives relating in English.
I use Lingualeo. Really I recommend it. In it I see all the analyst. The interface is very easy to learn, a lot of content, and generally cool done.
That's how it was distributed my time on learning English in February:
1. New words entered via the website - 2650. Learn 300 new words.
2. Vocabulary - 8746 words.
3. Hours on the site - 41 hours.
4. TED - 40 rolls (40 + 2 in Russian).
5. Read at least one book: Eliezer Yudkowsky. New book: A Girl Corrupted by the Internet is the Summoned Hero? (4 hours 20 minutes).
6. Watch video from the fact that usually look: at least 8 hours in English.
7. Movies and TV shows:
- The Revenant - 2 hours 30 minutes;
- Elementary (season 4, episodes 10-12) - 120 minutes;
- Titanic - 90 minutes; 90 minutes have not yet seen;
- Deadpool - 1 hour 50 minutes;
- Zootopia - 1 hour 45 minutes;
- Gods of Egypt - 2 hours, 7 minutes;
- Walking Dead (season 6, episode 11) - 40 minutes.
Total: 12 o'clock 22 minutes.
8. Conversational practice with foreigners: 21 hours 30 minutes.
9. University of California at San Diego. Course Learning How to Learn: Powerful Mental Tools to Help You Master Tough Subjects (3 hours 10 minutes).
Total this month: 82 hours and 22 minutes.
Also included in this folder are added one-time task. Usually this article, surveys, the TED video helpful YouTube-channel and other materials related to self-improvement.
In Google Chrome is a convenient extension for Wunderlist. You can quickly create a task. She gets to the desired folder with the name of a Web page and a link to it. So you can save all the valuable articles and materials and take into account the time spent on them per month.
On average, I spend on this task for 10 minutes. At the end of the month I open the completed tasks in the "Personal development" folder and find how many of them, refreshing the memory all that was useful to me for that month.
Price: 0
Folder "Skills"
I have compiled a list of skills, which by the end of the year I want to have, and distributed them monthly. To fix the old skills, they should cyclical task with repetition once a month.
Business development spend at least 120 hours. At the end of the month I analyze what gives the greatest ROI. Also consider which ideas are implemented, some of them the result that can be removed from the routine work and what training is most effective.
For each day I write a report in this format:
- H: 1 hr. Michael phoned for automation of calculations.
- About 1 hour. I started reading the book of scripts from skriptologa, which recommended Azimov, thinking and writing tasks.
There are three formats tasks:
- T - turnover - repetitive tasks that I seek to minimize.
- H - new and useful tasks that are associated with the development of the company, the launch of new projects, development and creation of something new.
- About - training. This includes articles, training, books on business. I always try to learn something new and useful, that established immediately in business and life.
At the end of the month I am getting the result in time and for different types of tasks. Analyze what holds and what is not, corrective plan and the planning of the next month.
Folder "Habits"
Usually I choose 2-3 healthy habits for a month and to implement them. I write in a note how the process goes. If you are not talking, then I write down the reasons why some habits rule.
Every month check the full list of already acquired habits and their compliance. If I do not comply, then I analyze and make a decision what to do.
Folder "Relations"
all the important people I fall into this folder: who I'm going to talk no matter where I am, who I'll always be glad.
The "new friends" - a description of the key points of the meetings, ideas and places with people, which for the first time to meet and talk.
"It is not regular" - a meeting with people who were not included in the list under a separate name.
All this I write to understand the development of my relationship.
Blogs writing for awareness and track how I am changing over the years, to save moments of my life, for the practice of formulating thoughts in writing that, in my opinion, it is useful for many reasons.
I write every day, but at different blogs in different ways. Now I have about 9 diaries for specific purposes:
- Personal diary.
- Diary of gratitude.
- Blogs relations.
- happiness diary.
- Truth Blog.
- Health Blog.
- Blog Surfer.
- Diary of mindfulness and meditation.
- training diary.
Thanks to Blogs I could analyze the past few years and have not found a single day when I had depression or a bad mood. For myself, I brought happiness formula of lifestyle habits. Following her, I manage to be happy.
it is very important for me to live in the buzz. What I do gives me incredible pleasure. See every day as I evolve like every day I'm getting closer to my life mission - all this makes me really happy.
Life - a boat sailing on the river. Of course, you will go with her, but you can take the oars, a map and compass in his hands to steer the boat. Or you can simply to go with the flow and look where you buried a river of life.
If this article helps you, then write to me, so I knew not wasting their time. Also I will be glad if you have any interesting developments, which can be shared. Perhaps you have seen any flaws or know how to improve my system.