Time management from Lesi Ryabtseva: how to make time work for them
Productivity / / December 23, 2019
Les Riabtseva
Journalist, blogger. Profile on Facebook.
Time - capricious person, calls for a lot of respect. This is the first rule, which is to approach to time management. We are used to adjust the external resources for themselves, rather than to adjust life at the surrounding reality. Everything that surrounds us begins and ends only through time. But we can deal with his whims, following simple rules of time management.
1. Synchronize the internal clock with external
Making plans, remember the seconds, minutes, hours and days. Even if you really want to come up with their own period of time, you will not work. Time will not go anyway, you still have to obey its rules.
Therefore take into account the time intervals that exist, try to feel them. For example, note how much time you spent on books read, parse mail, cleaning of the teeth. As a result, your internal clock synchronized with the external. Also, you will notice some of your habits takes time to improve.
2. appreciate seconds
Do not underestimate the seconds and minutes. What are some of your cases do not cost more than five minutes, but in some of the meetings can not take more than an hour. If you know the purpose and objective of the event, it becomes easier to plan.
At any case spent as much time, how much you are allotted to it. When planning your dayAdvance imagine how much time you need for each case and whether it is a matter of time allotted.
3. Think of time as a gift
Think of the time, not as a punishment but as a gift and each other. Usually we complain that not enough time, instead of changing your thinking to positive. Rejoice that you have as many as 24 hours each day, of which eight can be given to sleep, and the remaining to spend on your favorite things.
If you want to talk with the times. Understand that it does not need anything from you.
4. Haggle over time
Time can work for you if you give him something in return. Want to get up early and still have time? Try to go early. Ancient Indian sages said that the morning begins with the evening. In addition, every hour of sleep before midnight is two, but a dream after twelve - already one hour.
5. Be aware
If you do not get distracted by procrastination, social networks and do several things at once, you can find a few useful hours. The main principle of successful time-management - awareness during a time-wasting. Each case has to be under control. It is not necessary to throw off all responsibility and blame for unfulfilled plans for lack of time, traffic jams or screaming children.
6. Sami Set your priorities and deadlines
Prioritize. Time is not infinite, and it means that there is something that you can get done today, but something definitely can wait until tomorrow. Everything has a deadline. The only difference is that your own deadlines are putting yourself, and not rulers.
7. Give each case the time
For some cases the morning is more appropriate than the evening. For example, in the morning there is a good exercise, checking e-mail, scheduling the day, writing texts. At night, you can leave reading books, chatting with friends and listening to music. And everything else - work, social networks, trips to the store - take a day.
So you unload your day. All the most difficult and tedious over more in the morning, when you are full of energy.
8. Do not argue with the times
Argue with the time useless. It will not move and will not stop at your request. Argue with the time - the same thing, to argue with nature. Admit it, then you can change your life and adjust it under existing conditions. In this case, you will begin to have fun, because each case will bring a sense of satisfaction with life.