Killer life hacking to improve productivity
Productivity / / December 23, 2019
Even if you are tired of articles about productivity, you are still without it, do not do anything: the results will be lower than those you can achieve. Productivity - a quality result. It can be measured by what you end up having spent a certain amount of energy.
Franz KafkaProductivity - the ability to do what you could not before.
The higher productivityThe more you will achieve.
When it is higher than the stars, it is easier to work, and the best results are achieved by. With productivity targets hit, and awards more than those for which you hoped.
But she has a lot of enemies. They can be extremely dangerous, and if you let them get close, they devour your success. You do not risk to do the job, miss the bus all the deadlines, or worse, put your hands down, has not yet begun to do.
All in a day of 24 hours. On our shoulders the responsibility for the way they spend. If you find the right method, life hacking to improve productivity, you use these 24 hours to complete the program.
This article gives nine powerful life hacking, by which you will win. Every now and again.
You do not need to use all the equipment at once, because the choice depends on the schedule. You can find the list of some tips that will suit your lifestyle. The more tips apply, the greater will be your productivity.
1. Two hours of seclusion
What is it all about? Do I need to go into the forest and sit in a secluded hut? No, unless the do not want to. hermit method is much simpler.
Every day for two hours Focus on work and is engaged in business in general not distracted. Close the room, in the bathroom, even in the garage. Anywhere where you have absolutely nothing will be distracting for two hours.
And do not care what my mother calls to immediately run for a chop that is waiting for the girl at the door, that the outside of the room on fire. Loneliness and total focus on the job.
It is clear how important it is to be absolutely focused? If you are working on something serious and then answer the call, it is a failure. Adios, productivity.Find a place where you will not be interrupted. No one at all. Even if God decides to talk to you, let will wait a couple of hours.
You lose concentration. The brain decides to make a change and will signal your body that you need to relax more.
How do I turn hermit mode:
- Turn off your phone or activate the flight mode. All messages and phone calls will respond within two hours.
- Razlogintes in all social networks.
- If next to you is someone, ask him not to bother you for two hours and up close in the room.
- If you can not find a quiet place at home, go to the nearest library.
- Put water and snacks about workstation in the event of hunger and thirst. Go to the toilet. Of course, go to the bathroom again is not prohibited. Productivity is not worth it to... well, you understand.
If you have a rigid schedule, not necessarily to devote hermit two hours. Let it be one hour or half. When you have to do something really important, you'll find a way. On the other hand, if you schedule a free, you will be able to practice asceticism more than two hours.
2. Turn off the phone at the maximum time
When you work on something, whether it's homework or business plan, call the phone really interfere with concentration. Turn off the sound, but better - even turn off the phone. This will increase the chances to work continuously.
Like a hermit mode, but in a lighter form. You simply reduce the likelihood that you will break.
3. Focus on one task
Multitasking reduces the productivity of up to 40%. IN study Psychologist Susan Vaynshenk (Susan Weinschenk) says that people can not perform more than one task at the same time. Or rather, multi-tasking - it is simply switching between several different tasks.
It is impossible to keep in mind two things at once and switch between them without losing concentration. If you think so accelerate, get used to the idea that if you do two things at a time, then they will take less time.
The brain can only focus on something one. You can read or watch TV, but you can not do it at the same time.
What happens when you try to do so, it is called the changeover. So there is no such ability as multitasking. You are just wasting attention and produce less.
If you want to keep productivity at a high level, it's time to say goodbye to the habit. Makes the task of the queue and prioritize.
4. Start the day with the fact that you hate
Unattractive sounds. But I can explain everything.
When to do tedious and unpleasant work, we tend to postpone it. We transfer it to the end of the day, then we shift the next day, in the end do nothing at all. We continue to say, "I'll think about it tomorrow" - but that tomorrow never comes.
Make unpleasant work immediately after awakening, or, in a couple of hours after. So at least you will not indulge procrastination during the day. And it adds confidence in their own abilities.
When you decide to do something and actually doing the subconscious sends a signal that you are able to keep his word. You can rely on. Result - confidence.
5. Work by the method of 25/5
This method can be used in hermit mode, and increase productivity to the maximum.
The idea is to divide the work into two parts. The first part, 25 minutes is a continuous operation. The second part - a break for 5-7 minutes to drink some water, something to eat or exercise.
Use a timer with a bell that will remind you when the next time period ends.
This is very effective methodIf you are going to work in hermit mode for a long time, for example more than four hours. But suitable for two hours of hard work, because the brain gets tired of strong tension.
On the one hand, understanding that you need to be concentrated as much as possible, until the bell alarm clock allows ultraproduktivnost, and you can do more. On the other hand, you have five minutes to relax, but do not overdo it with the rest.
Do not make a mistake! Do not go to social networks and do not respond to calls for a break, or five minutes turned into 50.
6. Listen to audio books and podcasts for a meal
Snack - a great opportunity to support the body with nutrients at the same time a little bit smarter.
Many people watch television for a meal or just staring at the wall of the kitchen, but you can stand out from the "mindless mob" and devote this time to self-education. Of course, if you choose a book or podcasts not because you so desire, but because it is written in the article, it does not help. Look for what you like.
You can choose any topic, for example:
- How to develop self-confidence.
- How to lose weight.
- How to build a relationship.
- how gain muscle mass.
- How to improve memory.
- How to make money.
And so on.
Do not listen to audiobooks with selected writings of Nietzsche and Freud's studies, if it makes you a piece will not go into the throat. Find an interesting topic that appeals to you and help make life better.
There are doubts? Is listening to books has the same effect as reading? It depends on the contents of the book, but mostly the result of one. A study conducted back in 1997, revealedThat those who listen and those who read the short stories that describe the content equally well.
7. Use the easy to use, to learn something new
When it comes to productivity and achieve goals, you need to learn. You can not just pick up and reach all targets, not itself has circulated. If every day to do a small step toward the goal, it will not work.
We can say that there is no time. But in fact, many of us spend a lot of time to waste.
What did you do the last time standing at the bus stop? What to do in the queue to see a doctor, while sitting in front of the Cabinet? What did you do on the way to work in the car? In most cases - we waited until time will pass, or sit in the social network, check email, listen to music or looking out the window.
In fact, the lost time, in which can be anything learn to. Begin to read books and listen to podcasts in this "dead time." If you sit on the bus and you are ahead of 30 minutes to spare, do not let them go just like that. Read and become smarter. If you're driving, listen to audio.
It is impossible to imagine how much change your thinking in a year after you start listening to audio books during those 30 minutes spent on the way to work.
Get started now: Make a list of books to start, download the ones that are free. Podcasts also nothing you will not be.
8. Use the method of the three colors in a check-list
This is a recommendation from the book "Beat the procrastination in 10 minutes."
Conventional checklists boring. A tri-color list - attractive. This is a good way to be productive and perform important tasks on time.
Why? Because you distribute tasks according to their importance. All you need - a piece of paper and three crayons. I like black, red and blue.
Next, divide your work:
- Level 1. Red. Priority, urgent work to be done today.
- Level 2. The black. Medium priority.
- Level 3. Blue. Low priority.
When the day comes to an end, the first two levels of tasks to be performed.
This ensures that you move the entire operation to the level of a low priority to delay its implementation.But there is a rule: for every task the third level must have two objectives of the first and second levels.
For example, if you have two tasks on the blue level, there should be two on the black and red on two or three in the red and one in black. Keep the ratio of two to one between tasks on a black and red levels and tasks on blue.
This system will help to focus on the distribution and implementation of important cases. Important is done, and you will not forget about the low-priority tasks.
9. Practice the short-term fasting
Short fasting help lose weight while you will not waste a minute on food. That is, you will not consume fewer nutrients, simply cut the amount of food intake.
Skip breakfast. While common sense dictates that you need to take a large plate of porridge or muesli to "activate the metabolism", it does not bring special benefit. Food makes the body expend energy on digestion. This phenomenon is known as the thermic effect of food. But if you increase the amount of food intake, no differences observed within 24 hours will not. The thermal effect will be the same, if you ate the same amount of calories for three times or six times.
The food industry invests millions to convince us of the need for breakfast. Need to eat pancakes, milk, cereal, cereal for breakfast, otherwise the body thinks you are starving. And we believe in it.
In fact skipping breakfast only helps us to burn more fat and provides other benefits, such as increased production of growth hormone and increased mental activity.
But how does it affect productivity?
When you skip breakfast, you eat only two or three times per day. Lunch, dinner, snack in between. This saves a lot of time, which does not need to spend on cooking breakfast and lunch you can eat a large portion, or order dessert. Calories that you do not get breakfast, add to the dinner.
It is not necessary to miss breakfast, you can abandon another meal. Not necessary eat 5-6 times a day, "because this mode activates the metabolism."
No matter what your goal: to lose weight, gain weight or maintain current weight. A decisive role is played by the amount of calories and nutrients that you consume. They can be obtained in two to three meals a day. But you'll save time on preparation and process food, as well as save energy that is spent on digestion.