To increase productivity, to relax and rest from work
Productivity / / December 23, 2019
According to studies, our brain overwork, if concentration performs some task more than 1.5 hours. Therefore, every 1.5 hours is necessary to make a break for 10-30 minutes. You can then start working again.
Scientists have found that up to 40% breakthrough ideas They come when we are relaxed and your mind is working as if on autopilot. This activates our subconscious and non-linear thinking. That is why, disconnecting from work, you become more productive and return to the current task, full of energy and good ideas.
Find strength afford to rest
The modern world gives us a rule that you can not spend precious time on vacation. In the eyes of the public it looks like a sign of laziness and counterproductive. It is not necessary to follow the crowd.
Force yourself to disconnect from all
Turn off your phone, take shower, Take a walk, enjoy a workout. If you can not leave your workplace, see beautiful pictures and listen to the sounds of nature.
Not to be confused with the change of activity breaks
By switching from one task to another, you are not relaxing. It can afford for a short time, but not during the day. You need a good rest.
Divide the day into working hours and hours of rest
Do not let the complicated problems ruin your whole day. Select to have a certain time, and during breaks, try to forget about them. So you make each day productive.