9 excuses that we come up with to not tacked
Survival / / December 23, 2019
It is sad but true that most of us are tacked in the car is not for the sake of safety, and to avoid a penalty. However, among the drivers there are also those who, despite the risk of parting with money, does not use the safety belt for ideological reasons. Here are the most common reasons why many go nepristognutymi.
1. Why the belt, if there is an airbag
Airbag Deployment at nepristognutom belt itself is dangerous. Let's start with the fact that many of the cars equipped with airbags, electronics is configured in such a way that cushions at nepristognutom belt disabled. If you are not fastened, the cushion in such cars simply will not work.
If you cheated and taken advantage of the system plug belt, then when you crash inertia rushed forward, toward the pillow. Since it shoots you in the face with great speed, head injuries and neck are guaranteed. This would not have happened, whether you are at the same fixed belt.
2. I feel uncomfortable
Some complain that the belt holds down movements. However, the driver does not have much movement: turns the steering wheel, push on the pedals, shift gears, turn his head, presses a button on the panel. If the belt is something and stops, so it attempts to open the glove compartment, passenger door, remove or put on top clothing, pop out the window or reach for something in the back seat - everything that can not be done during movement.
No matter how it angered, in these cases the belt further contributes to your safety, because it does not allow you to engage in foreign affairs while driving.
In most cases, the inconvenience of the belt - it is merely the result of a lack of habit tacked.
3. I do not have time to detach and burn
This is very popular, but a groundless excuse. The car caught fire, collision should be very strong. In this case, the driver will break nepristognuty chest, head and neck before the time to open the door and jump out. If you want to escape, flying through the windshield, remember that this is only rarely the case. It is much more likely to survive in such situations, those who rode with a belt, managed to detach and run out of the car.
According to researchers, 68% of the source of injury in a collision becomes a steering column, at 28.5% - the windscreen, in 23.1% - the dashboard, in the 12.5% - the side stand. That's what you have to meet before you burn.
Even if a miracle happens and you stay alive, you have to be such an injury that does not allow you to quickly jump out and win the few seconds that would have gone on otstogivanie belt.
4. Belt strangle me
To avoid this, you need to adjust the strap correctly. Install it in a position to pass through the shoulder, never across the neck. It is possible to adjust the belt itself and the height of the chair.
5. Yes, there is something to go five minutes, I carefully
According to statistics, about 80% of all road accident It happens at speeds less than 65 km / h. The vast majority of all accidents with a fatal outcome occurs in a radius of 40 kilometers from the house of the deceased.
You can be the most experienced, careful and considerate driver in the world, but it does not guarantee that you do not crash the truck lost control. Five minutes is enough.
6. I did a passenger
If you ride in the front passenger seat, in case of an accident you face all the same as that of the driver, with the exception of the wheel broken ribs. But if you are at the same time will not fastened, you are guaranteed a hit chest on the dashboard.
As for the rear passengers in a collision by inertia they cut into the front seat. If it occurs at high speed, serious injury Guaranteed. In this case, suffer not only the rear seat passengers, but also to those who sit in the front. There will be something like this:
7. I have a child in her arms
This is the worst thing you can think of for child safety trip. At the moment of collision, you will likely not hold the child, so he will fly forward and hit about whatever is on his way. And even if you manage to keep it, you cast forward together and the main blow will have on the child. Transport children only with the help of special child restraint systems.
8. crumples belt and stain clothes, and even wiping the fur on coat
The belts are not soiled clothes, they need to be washed occasionally, like all other parts of interior. Enough time in a couple of weeks to wipe them with a damp sponge over the entire length. If you are afraid to spoil the coat, change clothes in the machine in a jacket. To myalas clothes are not, you can buy a special soft pads on the belt.
In the event of a serious accident and the end can come to you, and a fur coat, and perfectly ironed shirt.
9. From the belt, there is no sense
According to statistics, in the collision of seat belt use saves the lives of nearly 50% of drivers and front seat passengers and 25% of the passengers in the rear seats. Roll-over buckled strap reduces the likelihood of death of the driver and passengers to five times.
Good performance, given that we are talking about human lives.
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