Do not miss the most interesting shares on the application for your iPhone, iPad and Mac. Only the best of the day!
All the suggestions below are relevant at the time of fasting. Promotions and sales are for a limited time, do not miss them!
Apps for iOS
temporarily free
Eddy Cloud Music Player Pro
If you are the owner of such a vast music collection, it does not fit in the memory of your iOS-device and have it always on hand anyway you want, there is a great way out - to download music to the cloud and listen through Eddy Cloud Music. This application can collect all your music from Dropbox, Box, OneDrive, Google Drive, WebDAV and "Yandex. Disk ", bringing together in one place and providing easy access to it.
Star Walk 2
I enjoy watching the stars at night? With the Star Walk do so much more interesting! The app turns your iPhone into a real astronomical atlas or pocket planetarium, if you want. It can help you learn about the stars and planets just about anything: just point your smartphone over the plots of the starry sky.
Price: 169 p. 15 rubles
Pixelmator - one of the most popular image editors on the Mac. Until recently, the photo editing on iOS was just fun, but with the release of iPad Air, everything changed: the device's performance was enough to work with graphics. That 's the iPad-version of Pixelmator. It contains almost all the features of an "adult" version, it has a convenient interface and a large number of editing tools.
Price: 399 rubles
TextGrabber + Translator
Tired of messing around with paper documents? Oh, and they still need to translate into another language? With TextGrabber from Lingvo these tasks will be incredibly simple. All you need to do - is to take a picture of the document page, and the application then save it, if necessary, translated into your native language. Ready text to share through social networks, send it to Evernote or email.
Price: 349 p. Is free
Few of us are completely satisfied with the way we look at portraits. There is always some small pimple, wrinkle or any other flaw. Appendix Facetune, which was created for just such cases, help to easily retouch your photos. In it, you can remove skin blemishes, whiten teeth, smooth wrinkles, adjust the color of eyes or hair.
Price: 299 rubles