Today at continuing the theme photo-blogging, I want to tell you another three applications for the iPhone, a very popular service.
Perhaps I'll start with Yandex. Photos - application to interact with the same socio-photographic service. I do not think that it is necessary to describe in detail the resource, as you probably know him well, I will mention only a few important positions within the material.
Why do I put Ya.Fotki third personal rating after Instagram and MOPOTO? It is because of the high social orientation of service. Uploading your photos, you automatically get into the field of view, as his friends (in the film service), as well as all other users, provided that you have not set access restrictions. Thus, this is a great way to express their emotions, creative ideas and simply gorgeous option to leave a photo-notes. Also, note that the service (and Moroto), our Russian-speaking, it is easier to work with him (and subsequent dialogue / discussion) users who do not speak foreign languages. And by the way of socialization: Yandex has recently raised the degree in this direction, "screwing" sending images loaded in facebook, friendfeed, twitter and vkontakte.
But it's all very "yandeksny service" talk better about the application. What we appreciate Ya.Fotki:
- Traditionally, you can take a snapshot of the program or download ready-made photos from Camera Roll or photo albums, your account service.
- Select when loading the desired album from you created (by clicking on the icon loader loaded the drop-down list of the albums in your account)
- Ask a snapshot name, enable auto-publishing a blogs, set privacy snapshot (who can see: all friends, only you)
- Set the image tags. Here it should be noted that the tagging feature is very inconvenient, since it is not possible to specify keywords each uploaded image (as the majority of similar applications), and have to go to the program settings and typing tags there. I ordered po- default tags mobile photo and all other stamped afterwards, with the help of the site.
- You can also set up social tools post: comment (enable or disable), hide Original image, enable / disable image ratings (stars), and of labeling photos "for adults".
- In addition to these settings, you can change the size of the picture, if for some reason you want to download it in a reduced form. Again, all these settings will have to be done in advance of the system application settings.
In general, with Ya.Fotki work comfortably. Any problems, for a decent period of very active work with the application, I have not noticed.
Of the minuses, except as noted above, I would also add the inability to create a detailed description, well, this is not all desired, but still not a good moment: when downloading the application loses all metadata image (just everything from geotagging to parameters chamber). Perhaps this is nitpicking, but it's important to me. And the same description, geotags, and so I have to then manually set the site.
Of all the unpleasant moments I wrote the developer in a special forum, and received the answer that the new versions will be counted. We'll see.
Despite these little annoyances, all I dare to recommend a free application to all actively removed, making photo-notes or leading photoblog. And of course, all the fans Yandex. services
Flickr - and how serviceAnd the application is known perhaps more than anyone else. The service itself has a global distribution, a large number of groups over all interests including iphone-directed, and most importantly its free Client application. Rather service for Flickr you can find many third-party applications in the AppStore, but today, as part of our conversation, I'm interested in is the "native" from Yahoo!
That he is able to:
- Downloading images with the iPhone Camera Roll or from the photo album. Possibility to take a photo directly from the program, and then send to the site.
- When downloading, you can choose one from your albums on the service (sets), affix tags to the description of the image, select the download size image (ie, to save space on the service and sending traffic, the program can reduce the size of the image is sent) and affix, or turn off the geotag. You can also choose public or private picture and customize autoship at Twitter.
- Viewing your images in sets and tags, as well as just like a tape. View pictures that you have added to your favorites. Quickly jump to a friends' albums in the tab "Contact". On the main page of the client are displayed in random pictures "contacts" in the form of a beautiful slideshow with Ken Burns effect.
- Well, the social component - tab «Recent». Here you can see the latest pictures of your friends: by date or tape, with emphasis on the comment. Selecting from tape interested photos, you can drill down to the details, to place the picture in your favorites, send by e-mail or save. And most importantly: leave comments directly from the program.
Almost all that is necessary for happiness. Given the popularity of the service, this is one of the most frequently used my clients. But then again, you somehow will still need to visit the website Flickr, to scatter your uploaded pictures into groups. Alas proposed customer does not know how. As does not allow the comment to snapshots of friends.
It seems that the app looks interesting Ya.Fotki, so why should I put it after, and not before?
It's very simple: blame himself popular Flickr resource. The fact that the application is of course free, and services such as would be, but maybe... free download only to 100 mb pictures, which then can accommodate no more than 10 groups and create no more than 3 sets (Albums). Someone like, but not enough for me, and this (in fact, not only on this) I long ago pay-pro account for $ 25 per year.
If you're willing to pay for all the charm of the service, and it is at odds with the English language to communicate in groups, then no doubt in your personal ranking, the application can be moved to the second or even the first position (I do it once again somewhere).
Well, in the final of our today's conversation, I would like to offer you a program to work with well-known photo-service from Google. resource name PicasaWebAnd application name created by Sergey Kononov - iPics.
When 4 months ago I was looking for distinct application for Picasa on your iPhone, then I went through some terrible bunch software, until one of my old friends advised me not to pay attention to the young, but a very interesting project Sergei.
What pleased me in the program except the Russian interface (by the way there is also English and French):
- As usual, the opportunity to shoot something and send to the service, well, load a previously captured from the Album and Photo report.
- Upload your pictures to albums account, and that is particularly noteworthy - the opportunity to create a new album. Of all client applications that we reviewed earlier, as long as it is able to do only iPics.
- Ability to specify the name of the image (it is the same description). Unfortunately there is no way to add tags, face and enlarged image description.
- View pictures from photo albums to Picasa service, "one by one" or as a slide show.
- The ability to fully manage not one but multiple accounts.
- Ability to add to view any open gallery Picasa users. A very interesting opportunity, reinforcing the social component of the application.
- The opportunity to not only view pictures from their web galleries, and open other people's albums, but also save these images to your iPhone, send by e-mail, copy a link to a photo or album directly from programs.
- Version available for iPad.
A set of program features is impressive. Although some editorial functions in the application is not present, it complements the capabilities of the service - to edit any picture, in a popular and advanced web editor Picnik, The truth is going to the site through the "big brother"
Among the few drawbacks:
- Infrequent crashes, especially when creating a new album.
- Lack of opportunity to affix tags to geotag (just does not pick up from these or images), face, private albums.
- There is no possibility to leave comments on "other people's pictures" of the application.
Cons like a lot less than the Ya.Fotki, and some pros make the program very interesting and even, in some cases, unique. Why do I put it to the end of the review? Again because of the service. After all, we are considering today is not just a client program, and the ability to communicate, share experiences, socialize by means of a photo-blog, photo blogging and photo-sots.setey. In this context, Picasa stands farthest.
No, of course it polite "bolted" to the Buzz and Panoramio can be a stretch to raise her planochki, but agree it will be "pulling the ears." Sociality in this service is less than all the previously mentioned me, by that such a place. But if we ignore this criterion, my evaluation of the program and service ocheno high.
I should add a few words on the interest payment: The service itself is free Picasa allows you to upload up to 1 Gb of pictures and create any number of albums. Further, for very little money (about $ 5 for 20 Gb up to $ 256 for 1 Tb) can extend the amount of cloud storage. The client application IPICS, exists in two versions: free (with reduced functionality), and paid $ 0.99. I certainly recommend the latter.
So, we have considered (in two parts) 5 applications fotobloginga. The theme is far from exhausted, and I think somehow we still continue it.
In the meantime, remove the emotional notes, funny moments, and maybe even some documentaries evidence of something socially important (remember the famous images of mobile phones accident that all trying to cover up). And often write comments to the pictures of their fellows. They want it badly.
Good you photo posts!
Sincerely, Andrei Barhatov