On iOS-organizer Calendars readers' MakRadara " probably already know. Not so long ago in the App Store, a new version of this program, Calendars 5. Novelty is more elaborate for the iPad screen interface, the presence of a convenient time scale, built-in task manager (Down with the "Reminders") and... the possibility of putting on Russian problems the human language. The latter is worth more attention.
Why iOS-program support "human" language - such a cool trick? And you try to enter into a regular "Calendar" iOS something like "The meeting tomorrow from three to five in the evening" - nothing happen, although the desktop version of "apple" calendar translates this phrase by putting in the workpiece all the necessary tasks field. The same makes Calendars 5 on iOS-device.
Vocabulary program is quite broad. Calendars 5 distinguishes the time, date, day of the week, as well as the ranges of these variables - using verbal and numerical entry form. You can specify how many times a particular event to happen and how often - using familiar concepts.
Here are just a few examples of formulation of the problem, which Calendars 5 transforms into a finished calendar event, and in parallel with the way you type:
- The presentation in the expo center next Saturday from 9 am to 4 pm (The word "Expo Center" is translated in the nominative case)
- Gym every Monday, Wednesday, Friday 15-16: 30
- Masha meet in Auchan today at 19:30 (The word "Auchan" is translated in the nominative case)
- Coffee with Ivan in the café Chamomile tomorrow at three on 30 minutes
- Singing lesson four days every two days from 12 to 14:00
- Holidays with 20.11 to 30.12
- Payment of bills on the second Tuesday of each month
- Doctor every Tuesday until 10.12
- Matinee in detsadike day after 9 am for 90 minutes (The word "detsadik" is translated in the nominative case)
- Dinner in Astoria tomorrow at five minutes to eight for two hours (Alas, the name "Astoria" program in the nominative case is not transferred)
- 15 briefing tomorrow without five to 20 minutes
- The meeting with the customer on the following Wednesday in the second floor in the conference room (Although according to the rules of the Russian language to spell "at half past")
Options you can think of many more, but the developer has more work to do. For example, Calendars 5 does not understand the preposition "by" in the designation distant points in time (one week, two month, and so on. d.), and does not understand the prepositions "in", "above", "below", "near", "approximately", "near" in the designation location. Also confusing generations of nouns (the best things come to male declination II).
Corrections and additions to the parameters of the new task time manually have to make from time to time. However, even that 5 Calendars can and doing the right thing often enough for the eyes and very lacking in the "Calendar» iOS. So if you have been looking for a smarter substitute "Calendar» iOS, this program - a great option.
Price: 529 rubles