Every week in the AppStore app of the week is selected. Now this place is a very interesting game about which we will tell the other day. The last seven days on top was wonderful RSS-reader Reeder, with reviewed you can read not so long ago. But do not forget about the hype around the game which had somewhat subsided. Introduction to reviews of the best apps the beginning of this month - MultiPong.
The very history of the games with the word «pong» has been around for decades. The first game of this kind has been released by Atari back in 1972. Since that time considered to be the first Pong computer game received widespread popularity on consoles and gaming machines. It took 38 years, but the world does not cease to play pong-on-like game.
But let us leave the story of the bearded geeks with "Corvette" in the closet. It's time to move on and play MultiPong. The gameplay is that players move their blade in one plane, in order to protect their goal. The prefix «multi» in the title is not in vain, the game includes multiple modes for companies of almost any size. You can fight with yourself and try to hold out as long as possible, or call for one to three friends and determine the best "pingmena" this evening.
Unlike the classic "Pong", a great variety in the game make the various power-ups, getting shell game which will lead to the following changes in the game:
a very useful bonus, increase your plate, allowing the ball to beat at any speed
It allows to send the ball with more speed to your opponent, putting him in an awkward position
in MultiPong player is given only three lives, so this bonus is so important in the heat of battle. Do not count on his frequent appearance on the court
Gravity bonus, this is the worst that can happen to you in MultiPong, the ball will always be attracted to the gate.
reverse control, perhaps, no better than a bonus Gravity. We can only hope on their own intuition
if the green bonus lengthened plate, this will accelerate it and make you a loser for a few seconds
very interesting bonus ball under its influence grows in size, and bonuses can be superimposed on each other and then the field is worn completely unimaginable proportions sphere.
bonus multiboll add hassle appearance on the "twin round", but multiboll good thing, missed the gate double defeat does not count.
But some good bonuses MultiPong, on the playing field is constantly there are any events that, then there is a storm cloud, hiding the moving balls, then right in the middle climbs various "pin-sick" reflectors that deliver a lot of brand different emotions.
Depending on the degree of availability, you should select one of the levels of difficulty: for children, easy, medium, difficult and insane. So you can pick up the mood and tempo of the game and the number of appearing bonuses pripyatstvy.
The game contains a very interesting statistics section here about your achievements available information, the maximum number of points, the amount of time spent playing or the maximum speed reached the ball for all time.
All the above arguments in favor of MultiPong simply fade before executed graphical part of the game. Every detail, ball, effect, led to believe that they are real. There is a desire simply to get a heavy metal ball from the playing field and rotate it in your hand. It is the visual side brings a new experience to the game, which for nearly 40 years.
page MultiPong in the AppStore (2.99 $)