Since then, as the Google Reader rested in God, and ah-Soup came iOS 7 with its radical new design, range of new and updated RSS-book readers become sufficient that there are plenty to choose according to your taste and needs. But here the other day in the App Store appeared another news aggregator that perhaps someone just have to taste.
Even at the end of last year the author Unread Jared Sinclair Costa your favorite Apple and tail, and mane for such a radical and controversial (especially in terms of the application developer) changes in their mobile OSes. However, Jared managed to give Unread harmonious for "Seven" appearance.
Who like minimalism and iOS 7 plane, appreciate the simplicity and design of this program. The author has tried to remove all the excess that, in his opinion, made the RSS-reader-like email client, and simplified visualization of textual information (for my taste even a bit overdone in the plan), removed all the panels and buttons that are just taking place on the screen when the user needs only one thing - useful at the moment information.
That is why the buttons in the interface Unread virtually absent. User interaction with the program a little less than completely built on swipe gestures. Simple as pressing only need to go to the folder and to open a specific news. However, the counters of unread articles also work as a button: by clicking on one of them there is a transition not to a list of RSS-feeds and a common "pool" news in the same general category.
A list of services aggregators, which Unread able to connect, not so great, but there's - the most popular titles: Feedly, Feedbin and Feed Wrangler. But in the export list - a motley variety: in addition to full-time Facebook and Twitter, to "export list" appear 1Password,, Instapaper, Pinboard, Pocket and Readability. Fukntsii last available in the embedded web browser to view the text of the article in a simple format.
The author must pay tribute: the first version of the product he provided a good gentlemanly set of features and interface widgets. Of course, this is all we can say, fades, for example, against the background of the same Reeder... But given vyalotekuchest development of the latter, in Unread have every chance in some time to get additional functional "kit" and assert themselves on an equal footing with the draft-veterans.
Start should be, of course, iPad- and Mac-version... :)