Who on New Year's Eve to make a gift, bought in the App Store stealth quest RépubliqueClearly he did not regret the purchase. However, the first part of the adventures of a girl Hope was just a warm-up, which allowed players to get used to the gameplay, and immerse yourself in the mysterious atmosphere of the "Republic". The second episode, titled "Metamorphosis", has been the development of history in every sense.
First of all, I note that the passage of toys has become much more complicated. In the first episode Ghosts or stood scratching his nose or moved in a simple and short paths. Now some spies routes have become so long that they extend through several rooms, including where there are already other blockheads. So it is necessary to monitor the movements of several ghosts, to seize the right moment and slip quietly. Of course, there is a pepper spray and a stun gun, but these resources should use sparingly.
The task is simplified if you know what routes scurry spies. But this possibility is included in the number of additional, optional features of your "software", by which you exist within the security system of the "Republic". On the first episode you know the mysterious "system administrator", which baryzhit "superpowers" for useful information. So here are not too lazy to read mail, listen to messages on the answering machine, to look at different objects - and change the collected data into useful for you nishtyaki.
The second significant difference République second episode was first multistory location. You will have to drive pretty little girl on the stairs up, down and up again - goal, as before, changing the speed of thought, but now they are even on different floors.
As the game progresses you'll have to solve a couple of amusing puzzles: one to identify the correct sequence, the second - in the spatial imagination. Sorry is not enough. I love poskripet brains over such pieces. Well, if the next episode of puzzles will be more.
By the way, the plot of the second episode passes a great part of the palace. I deliberately sniffed every corner, before undertaking the review, and I can confidently advise to not be lazy and still go to the local museum. In addition, there is a lot that the audio fragments of the recent history of the "Republic", the museum is also a hidden room where you can relax and listen collected along the way cassette.
Oh, and do not forget about the comments of developers who generously spread in many rooms. Just two or three rolls enough to feel the magnitude of the project, the funds for which, I remind you, with the world on a string going to "Kick".
In general, the second episode uniquely successful. Development of the plot, the growth of the complexity of passage, new characters and a few unexpected and intriguing finale - all this is available. So I will wait with impatience the next part, which is scheduled for the summer. Eerily interesting that there is on the ninth floor... Oh, I will not Spoil. :)
Price: Free