Like running helps protect the brain from aging
Sport And Fitness / / December 19, 2019
Man was created for a run
Evolution could not imagine that we will become inactive. Our ancestors had to move to find food, they could not just order it over the phone. Running for hunting and food production, stimulated starvation when food shortages - in the evolution of the human body is faced with these problems.
Compared to other mammals, humans - whether sprinters. Running fast requires a person two times more energy than other mammals of similar size. But, unlike them, the people are very hardy runners capable of running many kilometers using aerobic metabolism.
Among primates running endurance own people only. This ability is rare even among quadrupeds. This is ours evolutionary advantage. Running helped our ancestors to get close to production and compete with scavengers. Running and walking endurance also helping to travel long distances. In the evolution of the human body changed its shape and physiology, adjusting to the workload. We can say that we are made for running.
Benefits of running for the modern man
Today, running endurance is not critical for human survival, but many people continue to run in order to maintain a good shape and health.
Regular exercise reduces the risk of diabetes, cardiovascular disease, stroke and cancer. Moreover, the constant aerobic exercise can improve brain function and prevent age-related diseases.
Running improves your mood and cognitive function. More active circulation in the peripheral tissues stimulate neuroplasticity and resistance to stress at the cellular level. Regular energy during exercise cause the brain to work at peak performance.
Exercise and Aging
Effect of exercise on longevity - a subject of constant debate. recent data suggests that regular aerobic exercise increases life expectancy and slow down aging.
A distinctive feature of aging is oxidative stress. In the theory of aging and related diseases caused by damage, which is applied to the cells free radicals, as well as the inability to compensate for this detriment by using antioxidants.
Oxidative stress in the mitochondria creates a vicious circle: the damaged mitochondria produce more reactive oxygen species, which only increase the damage. According to this theory, the increase in the amount of antioxidants helps to delay aging and age-related diseases.
By increasing the amount of antioxidant enzymes and antioxidants preventing generation reduction, exercise can help slow aging. Also, there is evidence that physical activity may prevent cognitive decline with age.
Exercise and cognitive function
Exercise improves brain function possible by acting on the synapses and neural stem cells.
Synaptic plasticity - is the changes that occur in the quantity, structure and functionality in response synapse to changes in the environment, including intellectual exercise, physical activity, and even injury and damage brain.
It is believed that synaptic plasticity is crucial for the preservation of cognitive functions, including learning and memory. Plasticity persists throughout life, and you can increase it with exercise.
Studies have shown that running rats there was an increase synaptic strength. What is interesting, sleep deprivation reduces the strength of synapses in sedentary rats, but had no effect on the rats with a mobile lifestyle.
Another important factor for the preservation of cognitive functions - neurogenesis, or birth of new neurons.
Neurogenesis - the process in which neural stem cells differentiate into new neurons. These newly created neurons can then grow axons and dendrites and form synapses with other neurons in the functional neural embedding scheme.
Neurogenesis in the hippocampus of the adult brain - is an extremely important process for the preservation of brain plasticity. Increased neurogenesis is associated with improved cognitive ability, whereas inhibition of the production of new neurons leads to age-related changes, and depression.
Experiments with animals have shown that race - the most effective stimulant of neurogenesis in the hippocampus.
Intellectual exercises also help to increase synaptic plasticity, but there evidence that physical activity is more effective to create new neurons in the hippocampus than mental work.
Studies show that regular aerobic exercise have a positive effect on cognitive function. Experiment, Which was attended by 1,820 teens showed that those who are physically active in their spare time, the brain works more efficiently.
Structural MRI even shown that regular aerobic exercise can increase the size of certain brain regions.
Exercise is important at any age
Interestingly, rats, physical activity at a young age, but ceased activity in adulthood, retained an excellent memory objects. On the other hand, rats that were active in adulthood, also had a good memory and perfectly recognizable object, but lose that advantage in a few weeks without physical loads.
This shows how important the activity in brain development period, as it may improve cognitive function in later life. Physical and mental exercises in the development period can be called cognitive reserve, which will help protect against cognitive decline with age.
And one more important benefit of regular physical activity - reduction stress. Sedentary lifestyle - whether human or animal - is associated with, and vulnerability to stress physical activity provides a good protection against stress - ability to recover quickly and fit.
Given that stress - a factor that influences the occurrence of depression, anxiety, cardiovascular, autoimmune and neurodegenerative diseases, exercise can indirectly protect you from these diseases and mental disorders.
So, there is plenty of scientific evidence that regular exercise a positive influence on our brain, mind and body. Aerobic exercise to help expand cognitive abilities in adolescence and save them as adults, to protect the body from age-related diseases and to prolong youth.