This "endless begalka" first appeared in 2011. And for the past three years Temple Run downloaded a billion times! In honor of this momentous event indeed creators of the game drew a fun infographic with interesting facts and comparisons.
For example, the total amount of players assailed by 50 trillion (!) Meters, which equals 160 distance from Earth to the sun and back. If the measured time, all the players have spent on the game, sticking to the screens of their gadgets as much as 216,018 years!
Coins have collected as many as 147 trillion pieces, which by volume is comparable to the three hundred Olympic swimming pool, and 1 billion artifacts that is eight Smithsonian collections. If we talk about death, during the existence of Temple Run character dies 32 billion times, of which the most just a runner fell off a cliff, faced with any obstacle and found eaten by the very black monkey.
It is noteworthy that, according to statistics, Temple Run increasingly women's game than men. ;) But the greatest popularity it enjoys begalka in China and the US, which in percentage terms came off far ahead of India, the UK and Germany.
If you have not yet gained access to the endless cross-country - perhaps in the App Store. Benefit, Temple Run is free, and can play it any iPhone or iPad owner.
Price: Free