"As far as I enjoyed the feeling that I carry in my pocket universe, so I forgot about what it may be severe." This phrase perfectly characterizes our age, in which almost all of us were smart, capable to provide any necessary information. And recently, a French journalist Laurent Arnaud decided to share with the readers of his interesting experience.
After he came ninth on the iPhone notification that morning, he decided to count the number of times per day it pulls its own device. From 8 am to 11 pm, he buzzed 56 times, that is 4 times per hour. But it was not the only problem. During lunch time in the restaurant with a friend, he noticed that respond to messages on Twitter, despite the fact that the conversation was interesting. That is, he chose to live communication emails.
For the first time in his life he began to think about what are the advantages given to us by our electronic devices. iPhone - it's a smart phone, a fantastic machine. It helps us to sit on the Internet, connects us with the world, with interesting for us humans. But the need for constant digital communication can become quite cumbersome when it replaces the meeting in the real world.
In general, he decided to hold a small and rather banal for many experiment - to give a month of all your smartphone (iPhone 5 and Nexus 5), iPad and electronic bracelet. With that he left himself only Nokia 108 and Mac. He was able to stay in touch, but do not wear a "universe in your pocket."
Dragging around with a smartphone, he used constantly taking notes, see the bus schedule or read magazines on your iPad. And the decision to abandon the iPhone to Arnaud was not quite a trivial experience. 7 years of his life, that is, its third, he had a smartphone in your pocket, and thought that now he would have to take notes on a piece of paper brought him back into the past, in his teenage years. 4G has given way to the usual slate pencils and pre-planned routes.
At the beginning of the Arno I had a very strange feeling, a mix of emptiness and at the same time of absolute tranquility. Quickly made themselves felt and the first losses. we often forget about the benefits of smart phones as they become part of our daily life, something ordinary. The most telling example in this case is transport. Using the iPhone, it takes a few seconds to check a route or find out what time the train would come. Without a smartphone or tablet, all these points need to think through in advance. It seems quite obvious, but in the early days without your iPhone Arno very often late to meetings.
Another banal thing is the weather forecast. Due to the lack of TV, our hero is constantly relied on this issue on your iPhone. Arno also nedostovalo social networks. The only opportunity for them to connect only provided Mac. And it was a very rare case, because you can not always find access to the internet. But he did not use their devices on the bus, cafe, meeting with friends. In the absence of a permanent connection, the Arno had the feeling of loss of time. Every time opening the computer, he spent almost an hour to read all e-mails and news feeds. While previously it had happened in between times, when granted a free minute.
Such a decrease in activity had two consequences. Negative - he just lost time. When he opened the computer, it takes over the case, which could start 20 minutes earlier. And positive - it has become a lot more often and read carefully. For the first time in his life he has fully read the magazine, two books and a whole bunch of articles that were previously just leafed through. And they were printed on paper.
What most surprised Arno in the intervening period, this revival of publications in his life. All the magazines for which it was signed, were 100% electronic. But because of his life disappeared almost all devices, he had to go to the printed product. Its pleasant to hold in your hands, but it takes in the house quite a lot of space.
Whether it became life easier?
This was the main question that Arnaud was asking myself during this period. No, and he would even say that it has become harder. Basically, because of the lack of information available to him. In an unknown city smartphone can become a good companion, he will tell the way, various attractions and more.
IPhone without answering SMS has become much more difficult because of the inconvenient keyboard. And in most cases, it has become easy to write "yes", "no" or "ok". Moreover, Arnaud began to miss important events, too late to respond to urgent messages or be late for the meeting. All that he could recall application, now he had to keep only in my head.
Homes too, lacked the tablet and smartphone. Well, the kitchen momentarily forgotten recipes, and even a brief introduction to the recommendations for the preparation of a particular dish just was not possible. It was necessary to use a computer to rewrite the recipe on a piece of paper and have him go back into the kitchen. And in the evening, instead of skim posts, had to use a laptop, whose severity has even begun to irritate him.
Value photos and music
Another important point was the lack of music and the opportunity to photograph. Each of us has had time to feel how easy it is to take on the iPhone. And now, Instagram is full of all sorts of images. Arno decided to use his camera, and took him into the hands of only a few times: during the day of birth and a few walks. And I realized that these rare shots are much more valuable because they were not accidental, but to create a completely conscious.
The same was true of music. Without headphones Arno could only listen to it at home, and realized the difference between the phrases "listen to music" and "hear the music" (approx. In French, the verb denotes the understanding, conscious perception). The difference between these two processes is huge, and the music ceases to be just a background for you.
Free time
The absence of regular notifications allows you to concentrate more on any process and be more active. That is, reading a magazine, and periodically replying on Twitter, you are constantly losing the place where you left off, and sometimes can not grasp the idea of the author. In this case, you have the opportunity to move from multitasking to solve a single problem. Yes, and besides, read the great Russian and French writers are much more interesting than the statuses to Facebook.
Weekend trips, or simply meeting friends painted in very different colors. They are interesting, also you have a desire to carry on lively conversations with your friends, and you politely ask them to postpone their smartphones to the side during dinner time.
Most importantly, he said to himself Arno - is absolute calm throughout the day. He could simply close your MacBook Pro, to no longer receive any notifications. The only thing that could make the Nokia 108 - is to receive calls and sms. Messages from Facebook, iMessages, Whatsapp, Skype and Snapchat - all waiting for its next session at the computer. With Arnaud could instantly contact only his loved ones, really significant people for him. It may sound a little selfish, but he was spared from a heap of completely useless and unneeded information.
social iPhone
Arno started to play snake while in the subway, and respond only to the SMS. He began to see the faces of people, smile a lot, drawing attention to his phone. This, in particular, occur in high-end neighborhoods, bars and shops. Is Now a shame not to have the iPhone? Fortunately, it happened to him is not so much, at least not in the circle of friends.
And most interestingly, he was out of the house without a phone altogether. He just did not feel it necessary, which never happened, when it was at the iPhone.
A month passed, and Arnaud returned to his iPhone. In the experiment, he felt depending on the device, similar to drug addiction. Without it, you can easily spend a whole month, although it will not have enough for everyday use.
In a broad sense, iPhone simplifies our everyday tasks. It reminds about important meetings, talks about the interesting places and public transport timetables. It serves as a kind of your little secretary.
But, not to be subjected to stress every minute, you should remove the numerous notifications of different social networks that only pollute your brain is completely useless information. Or simply disconnect from the network, this is a radical, but very simple.
Arno has not given up on their smartphone, but began to perceive it differently. He became less frequent use iPhone, reduced the number of notifications is constantly annoying him, and just looked at the world differently.
Would you dare to such an experiment?