iOS 7, presented in early June of this year, a month has already reached the third beta. Apple has changed a lot in its new mobile OSes, making it more coherent and logical. Although big changes have occurred (and they are unlikely to occur), it's nice to know that in Cupertino have recognized many of their mistakes and are actively working on them.
I suggest you get acquainted with the most significant changes in iOS 7 that have occurred over time, the output of three beta versions of the new iOS. Certainly, until the autumn we are waiting for another couple or two beta versions, but the general vector of corrections, which makes Apple's, is clear now. So what has changed in their fresh Apple OSes?
system line size for increased lock-screenshot
In iOS 7 beta 2 (left) system line was slightly less than in beta 3 (right).
Changed default wallpaper
default wallpaper, which were installed in the beta 1 (left), to be honest, the eye does not please. Everything changed in the beta 2 - Apple changed the light-acid wallpaper to a nice looking space sky (right).
More transparent folder
In iOS beta 3 (right) compared with the first beta version of "Seven" (left) has seriously increased the transparency of the folders on your desktop.
Control Center has become more transparent
Apple and Control Center made even more transparent.
Fonts have become thicker
Many criticized Apple for use in iOS 7 is too thin font, and it seems that the guys from Cupertino realized their mistake and changed the font Helvetica Neue Light in the Helvetica New Regular. This is exactly benefited iOS 7.
Appendix "Weather" changed
Now, in the Weather app is much easier to view the weather in all cities you've added - just click on the appropriate button at the bottom right of the screen.
Change notifications from apps
Transparency notification unit was increased.
Flat icons in Settings
At first, Twitter accounts in the options settings, Facebook, Flickr and Vimeo to use the old, skevomorfichnye icons. In the latest betas Apple to fix it and put a harmonious flat icons.
Small adjustments in the App Store and iTunes Radio
In the App Store and iTunes apps have been slightly changed some icons.
That's changed iOS 7 after three beta versions. Ahead of us waiting for another 2-3 months Apple intensive work on our mistakes, but judging by the first "betam" wait some drastic changes should not be - in Cupertino just polished that introduced us to the beginning of June at WWDC 2013. Good or bad, time will tell and experience of using the final version of iOS 7 that we expect in the autumn, along with the new iPhone.
And what changes seemed most important to you? What would you change in iOS 7? Leave your answers in the comments.