The approval process for iPhone applications, which they pass before reaching the App Store, a very controversial and inconsistent. This is evidenced by the fact that once prohibited the application Knocking Live Video it was allowed for distribution in the App Store after it was contacted by the developer directly with Steve Jobs (Steve Jobs).
The thing is that the Knocking Live Video app has not received admission to the App Store, because the use of the library and API functions that are prohibited for third-party applications. (The presence of prohibited code now checks for a special program). Apple did not just prohibit programs that use the API closed, accessible only to the company itself.
However, the developer Brian Meehan (Brian Meehan) did not give up and decided to fight for its application. He wrote an e-mail to Jobs, which described his desire to make the iPhone / iPod more convenient for owners. Jobs drew attention to the developer's request and personally made Knocking Live Video in the App Store. Does this mean that the "Ask, and it will be given to you?", and that developers should be more actively fight for the life of their applications?
For reference: Knocking Live Video app It provides the ability to broadcast to shoot movies in real-time from one smartphone to another using for 3G-networks and WiFi.
By the way, download Knocking Live Video in App Store can absolutely free. The truth judging by the reviews, the program does not work well ;-)