By myself I know - it is often quite difficult to force myself to do something. Especially every day. Here we come to the rescue and interesting application Streaks, which I would like to tell the readers.
Streaks knowingly refers to one of the largest categories in the App Store - Productivity. The developers have positioned their app as "motivational calendar," which will help change lives.
This application is a simple tool to monitor the sequence of days required to achieve a certain goal. The rules are simple - if you have done a good job in some day, you mark it in the calendar with a cross. Carried out with the use of the days add up to the line, motivating the user as long as possible to preserve the "winning streak".
To begin, the developers propose to select some simple goal and make for her first calendar. I will say from my own experience, it is quite reasonable advice, because at the beginning the motivation is minimal, do not want to write or mark. However, after a while you realize that the desire to "give" the longest series is almost a fundamental, so every day to carry out set goal.
Among the additional features of the application can be identified conduct of statistics allows viewing current, or the length of the last line, the badge on the icon of the program and several different themes interface.
In general, a great app for those who quit smoking, dieting or are too lazy to play sports.
application page on the App Store:Streaks
Developer website:Fanzter
cost: 1.99$
Personal rating: 5