Text messages are an integral part of communication in the modern world. But if you do not have a simple and convenient way to store your data, the penny - the price of these technologies. iPhone users, of course, have the option to create a backup to iTunes, or refer to the fact that all data is stored in iCloud, but this system is not perfect. Today I'll show you how to safely create a backup of iPhone data, and then find a special file, which stores all of your SMS. With this file you can save a copy in a safe place, or view an SMS-message via the website.
As mentioned above, you can make a backup of your iPhone to iCloud, but unfortunately, you can not remove the file on your computer. But there is a way to make a copy of your SMS and iMessages manually. Note that this method requires the presence of iTunes on your computer, and will have to dig into some of the hidden directories. If you are satisfied with it, let's get started.
Let's start with a full backup of your device in iTunes. Further our path lies in a place where our copies have survived. Our goal - a file named 3d0d7e5fb2ce288813306e4d4636395e047a3d28, located in the following ways (depending on the version of the operating system).
Windows XP or lower
The file is: OS hard drive> Documents and Settings> [your user name]> Data Application> Apple Computer> MobileSync> Backup.
Windows 7 or 8
The file is: OS hard drive> Users> [your username]> AppData> Roaming> Apple Computer> MobileSync> Backup.
Mac OS X
The file is: User> Library> Application Support> MobileSync> Backup.
Open the folder to back up and see one or more folders with random numbers and letters. Select the folder that has changed the most recent, and it is the most recent backup named 3d0d7e5fb2ce288813306e4d4636395e047a3d28.
It remains perhaps the most important - how to view your SMS? This will help you this site where you can upload your file and export it to a Microsoft Office Excel, HTML or PDF. Here, in general, and all. Your SMS will be displayed in a list with the date, contact and note sent or received a message. All data are arranged in descending order and sorted by date and time of the message.
Thus, no matter what happens to your iPhone, your messages will always be with you, stored in a safe place. It's not easy, but it is an effective way to keep your data.