Why not start a business with a friend of learning
His Work / / December 26, 2019
There is such a thing called "syndrome of fellow businessmen." However, for every successful project, there are hundreds of failed starts, emerging and dying quietly, without fanfare and fireworks. Of course, it is you tend to think concretely your duo a la "Batman and Robin" sure everything will turn out, but with a probability of 99.998% will not happen.
Such figures lead in their studies Michael Fertik - the entrepreneur, who had worked as a CEO in the IT and law firms. It should be understood that this statistic is true for the United States, where the business is alive and is being built in a friendly environment.
problem №1
The first problem with the decision to start a business, is the world view. Often people undergoing training in one the profile institution (university department or institute, business school courses), about the same looking at things around them, and generally refer to all around equally. Often it is the world leads them to the same school. It would seem that the general views - this is exactly what is needed to conduct the common cause, right? Unfortunately, such a company will not be minded criticism. The one criticism that asks difficult questions uncomfortable, look at your business idea from a different angle, zatestiruet on survivability in conditions close to the harsh reality.
Without this criticism the idea of like-minded people looking at their future in a single vector, would be one-sided, ill-conceived. A kind of fictional world of pink ponies and rainbows in which everything is fine and all, but only for the creators. With a high probability of business, but rather the products and services it will offer, will face with people who think quite differently. And yet there is such a thing as objective market, and there survive only really popular pieces, it is reasonable that the creation was analyzed from all angles and positions.
problem №2
A single line of strong professionals in their field, but in this case the lack of necessary knowledge and experience in, for example, the practical implementation of ideas will lead to failure. Any project needs technologists - those who will still build. And still need someone who knows everything about the market claimed by the business. The one who can apply the product in the best light, will talk to the press and the people.
problem №3
You and your friend can be the same interest, but you do not know anything about his values. During training you may feel that the people around you have the same values, attitudes, principles. In the end, you had so much fun when you went to school together, but! As long as you do not ask each other direct, hard, specific questions, you are taking a big risk. Those same divisions that have not proved before, be sure to emerge at the most important time for the company.
Co-founder decided to contact is not very clear to the people a hand? Ready to hide income, trying to deceive the tax? Each of us have clearly defined guidelines that we follow. Do you believe that as well you know your friend?
problem №4
Business always conjugate with the nerves and in itself is a great source of conflict. Do you think that you have with the other absolutely identical views on the conduct of business, and he will go with you to the end? Not at all. Everyone has their boundary beyond which no longer dare to cross. Each of us has his own share of allowable risk. In one of the most difficult moments of your friend comes home to see his family, meet the gaze of his little girl, remember how unstable is now a business and a score on your overall business - go the way of the "normal" operation. Brain we realize how high the demands on us as leaders, but the need for daily tough decisions can break the will, and the start-up business quite feverish.
problem №5
Last on the list, but not the most important point - you can actually know the person is much worse than expected. Try to conduct a brief survey among friends on the subject. The vast majority of people think that he knew his surroundings. However, if you ask him know whether surrounding him, the answer is clearly "no." And it is true. We always play some role, but the learning process - as the built environment, the people there are not the same as they are in reality. It is unlikely that you just marry the person with whom he met while on vacation and spent all the time under the palm trees. After all, you can not even imagine what it will be in the same bytovuhe. Seeming quite successful student - it's not a successful entrepreneur. It is a successful student who cope with their studies.
You can not talk about that classmate - it is 100% bad option for joint business. That's only for the cause you need a man that can withstand all the hardships and solve the problems faced by young entrepreneurs. It does not matter whether he was your buddy during their studies or not - this does not have to be a determining factor.