Clever games for iOS: Almost Same, Black it Out, The Great Houses
Ios / / December 21, 2019
In today's game for fans of Game of Thrones, puzzle with countless solutions and a game that will teach you not to believe their eyes.
In today's issue: Almost Same — a game that will make you not believe your eyes; Black it Out — a puzzle which has 1.2 × 10 ^ 89 combinations to win; The Great Houses for fans of the series "Game of Thrones."
Almost Same
On the playing field, there are 2 pieces to choose from. Our goal in this game — select which figure more pieces of color predominate and move faster. The trouble is that the size of the figures are almost identical and they are moving with a speed of almost identical. Therefore, I believe your eyes is very difficult. The game is just mind-blowing!
Black it Out
This puzzle has 1.2 × 10 ^ 89 winning combinations. However, it did not go so easy. Our task — paint all the cells on the field in black. But to make it as easy as writing. With each turn changing the combination of cells, if they coincide with black cells — you lose. I have not figured out whether it is possible to pass this game. If you turned, tell us in the comments.
The Great Houses
And last, but certainly not the worst game in our digest — The Great Houses for all fans of "Game of Thrones." It is based on all the familiar concept in 2048. That's just instead of numbers we have to combine the logo of famous houses of Westeros. By the way, if you did not get to go in 2048, the here you can find the secret algorithm to victory.
Do you have in mind smart game? Feel free to share them in the comments!