Often, localization of applications - a waste of money. Many people understand by that 20-dollar translation interface, whereas the real localization - an adaptation of applications under the mentality and especially the inhabitants of a country. And it is much more expensive.
The only correct solution to the problem - it is this work on the localization, as if you are creating a new application. If you're not ready for this, it is best to forget about the location and not spend her precious time and money.
Wrong Way
The surest way to fail the location - it is written out in a single file all the words and phrases, and to give to the translation. Usually this file Localizable.strings, which are written on the left, for example, the Russian word, and on the right - Spanish translation. Torn from the context of the words, misunderstanding translator individual phrases leads to a strange distortion of the meaning and sad results. Checked!
The right way
To prepare for the next steps necessary to make a language:
- a detailed description of the application, its functions and features,
- prepare screenshots of the application,
- prepare (there are other ways as an option), so that he can test the application for a translator .ipa file
- prepare a file localizable.strings.
Here is the "documents" already can be sent to the translator.
And now the most important advice.
Translate texts should resident of the country for which you do localization. For the UK, the translation should do the Englishman. Germany - German. But only.
No translation, no translation of non-resident. Find the correct translation may be on sites like oDesk or Elance.
Criticism is welcome. Write in the comments. And do not forget laykat!