Both through Siri to know the forecast in any weather app
Ios / / December 21, 2019
By default, Siri checks the forecast through the standard "weather", and if you have installed any third-party application, you use the voice assistant will not work with him.
Fortunately, with the advent of quick commands in iOS 12 was the ability to integrate third-party programs to Siri. And now you can easily implement weather check using a voice query in any application. Here's how to do it on the example of The Weather Channel.
1. Open the application a couple of times and check the weather forecast.
2. Go to "Settings" → "of Siri and search."
3. In the section "offers a fast team" will shortcut "See. forecast". Open it.
4. Press the red button and record the activation phrase.
5. Confirm the command by pressing "Finish".
Now, if you call Siri and tell the assigned phrase, in this case, "check the weather", the screen will display a summary of The Weather Channel, and voice assistant will read it.
see also🧐
- 20 quick commands Siri in iOS 12 on all occasions
- Quick commands Siri in iOS 12: everything you need to know about a new feature
- 10 beautiful application with weather forecast