In my opinion, one of the best home entertainment for kids coloring remains. Here the child can fully unleash your creativity, learn how to combine colors. In addition, the coloring good develops fine motor skills. Well, the coloring on the iPad - just salvation for modern parents. Wherever he went with the child - for a while, you can persuade him to sit quietly a few minutes, offering to paint another picture.
Application "Paint-ka! 2"From Aplica studio filled with wonderful good and bright pictures. Interestingly, in their development, in addition to a team of professional artists participated child psychologist who observed so that the picture is favorable for the fragile psyche.
The application itself is free, and you can download any one coloring book. The rest have to be paid, however, no more than the paper versions. To pick up an interesting book and can be for boys and for girls, the theme has a classic, but do not lose their popularity, and is quite original: fairy-tale characters, princesses, pirates, animals, peoples of the world and even space travels.
For each image from the book is an example of coloring, which, however, does not necessarily follow. Young talent can rely on your taste.
If you select a tool, the fill (the button in the lower right corner), you will at the same time to paint over those details which must be the same color, if you follow suit. You can select a brush, which gives more freedom. Great to do that even if you use the brush, the application does not allow to go beyond the boundaries of details for coloring, and therefore, the picture will turn out neat. Well, if you do not like the color, which can be colored or undo the last several actions.
Another nice thing - while painting a picture saved on multiple stages, including, and when it is ready. Those. You can return to any of them, and most importantly - their show then painted a picture that you can share the more and to Facebook, send by email or save it to your photo gallery.
Management in the "Paint-ka! 2 "is quite intuitive, is sufficient to show a child a couple of points, and he quickly mastered. One of those moments - colors change. Those. if you choose, for example, a green felt-tip pen and click on it, you will see several shades of pale light green to emerald. Color is very much, but if the right is still not found, you can use the fine-tuning of the desired shade.
In the preparation of the application, developers have taken into account and that kind of thing that children often pushed all the buttons in a row on the screen. For an application not permanently closed, or not to happen something else undesirable, in the "Paint-ka! 2 "is little protection for the purchase of key publications and settings: the key will work only if it hold for some time.
The app "Paint-ka! 2 "will be interesting for children from 3 to 8 years. Overall, this is a high quality, beautiful and useful product. The disadvantages can perhaps be attributed lack of a blank sheet with the ability to draw something completely independently. We hope that the developers will add this feature in the next update.
Developer - Studio Aplica