"Simple Business": how to manage the organization and do not spend a lot of time and effort
Miscellaneous / / December 19, 2019
Alas, it is often the other way. The abundance of cases and the most severe time pressure - a truly explosive combination. The staff can not cope with their responsibilities, customers are unhappy,
and you do not know at what point it all went wrong. Familiar? We seem to have found a solution to your problem.
The main business objective - to meet the needs of customers and partners. To do this, you must establish direct cooperation between all departments of the company. Just imagine yourself in the customer's place.
Do you like some time to explain who you are and what you want, while at the other end you otfutbolivat careless operators? It is unlikely that such an approach will cause your approval.
Tracking communication with customers, you know, at what stages of a problem, and you can quickly make adjustments to the work of subordinates. sales data can be represented in the form of graphs, tables and charts - the maximum visibility for increased efficiency.
The possibility of "just a business" is not limited to the control of work with clients. It is now a full-fledged management tool. Create large-scale projects, break them down into step by step tasks and assign responsible - so you can be sure that all your orders will not be ignored. To enter the state of affairs of new employees, you can create a knowledge base - a collection of important information with templates of letters and scripts.
As far as communication, there is almost everything that you may need. Internal phone, telephone and video conferencing for group communication, calls and SMS directly from the customer base, for chat employees, the ability to connect to mailboxes on external servers - is now to solve business issues quite literally a few minutes.
Sign up and use the possibilities of "just business" for a month for free. Do not like it - go back to the same CRM, or looking for a new one. If the "Simple Business" was useful to you - choose an appropriate tariff and forget about a variety of issues. Time is money - a tool for effective time management - what you need to any manager.