8 habits to gain financial independence
Get Rich / / December 20, 2019
These eight mental, psychological and consumer habits will help build the right relationship with money.
Maureen Amy (Amy Morin)
Psychotherapist, author of the bestseller 13 Things Mentally Strong People Do.
1. work out a budget
This boring is necessary to adhere to the main objectives. A financial plan helps set priorities and avoid impulsive spending. In addition, it reduces the degree of anxiety: if the money is being spent haphazardly, there is always a chance to stay grounded for a week to paycheck.
2. To be able to take risks and rely
Invest in any doubtful circuit lead to rapid enrichment as afraid investWrongly. You need to invest. But before that you need to know what options meet your financial goals, and to calculate the possible risks.
3. Avoid unhealthy competition
Compare yourself with others - a dubious choice. If a person buys a new-fangled car or huge apartment only to emphasize superiority over others, it is just a waste of money and energy wasted. And still separates itself from the implementation of really significant goals.
It is important to create your own vision of success and move to it his own way.
4. To separate his identity from money
Financial independence - it is also independent of the Treasury. So the size of the salary or savings should not affect the self-esteem. I.e:
- Human dignity must not suffer a modest prosperity.
- He must not want to boast of income, even if they are really high.
5. Do not get hung up on things
Financially free people take care of their things, but do not create them from the cult. If necessary, they are able to give up frills. Therefore, in their life has a lot of other nice things, not just banal hoarding.
6. To base a financial strategy for its values
Time and money should be spent on what is important. If a person wants to break out of poverty, it can work overtime. If a person wants to spend more time with his family, he should give up the additional projects. Thus, each builds relationships with finances (and Finance), starting from their priorities.
7. To be able to withstand the momentary desires
Often, people justify their impulsive purchases phrase like: "I am worthy of happiness." A person striving for financial independence, far from such thoughts and actions. He will not to spend money a new smartphone model or spontaneous journey, if at the moment can not afford it. It has self-discipline and knows what is best to do some shopping later, or not doing at all.
8. have a purpose
This thought-through many previous points. Money - a means to an end. Not vice versa. That is the purpose of man and should identify all its financial decisions.