Microstock: as a beginner photographer to sell their work
A Photo / / December 20, 2019
"Micro" in the word "microstock" means, sadly, cost. From the sale of their photos on microstock, you will get only a small percentage. However, you will not need to look for buyers - they will find you themselves. In addition, you do not have to compete with well-known photographers: microstock buyers come primarily for the image, not the popular name of the photographer.
Microstock is ideal for beginners and more because they allow in practice to see which of your photos are commercially more popular.
Before you upload your photos on microstock, you should carefully read the rules (including the fine print), to make sure that you will be comfortable to follow them. It is the same for all the following rules:
- You must be over 18 years old.
- You must be the author of all files you upload.
- You must have all the rights and permissions on the depicted elements (objects, people, places, and so on).
- You do not sell images that contain logos or protected trademarks.
- You do not have to sell photos containing images of structures, buildings or other places that are protected by intellectual property law.
The largest and most popular microstock are Fotolia, DreamsTime, Shutterstock, Depositphotos and, of course, iStockPhoto. Let's see what awaits you at registration.
Registration form is quite simple, but in order to become a seller of images, you should download a scan of the identity document (passport, driver's license). Without a copy of your files will not be taken into consideration. On the other hand, there is no exam. Unfortunately, the new photos are sold here not too fast, and your earnings depends on the rating on the website. Income considered in points that can be cashed after the number reaches the value of 50. You will be able to receive from 20 to 63% of the piece-sale pictures, or between 0.25 and 0.40 points for the sale of images by subscription. Payments are made using PayPal or Skrill. The site supports the Russian language.
DreamsTime very good for beginners as well as the verification process here is perhaps the softest among the leaders in sales: registration does not require confirmation documents, there is no exam. But the requirements for the image quality is quite high. Site Commission ranges from 70 to 40%, while the image can be sold for 0.2%. Payment can be accessed through Payoneer, PayPal, Skrill. Among the shortcomings of the Image Bank should be noted not too user-friendly interface, as well as possible problems with the loading of images in some browsers (Firefox).
Shutterstock pays the most and sells the fastest. To register, you must provide a scan of the passport. Service has a wide audience, which contributes to higher sales. But at the same time and requires a higher image quality and uniqueness. To become a writer Shutterstock, you will have to pass an exam - 10 shots, at least seven of them must be taken. Beginning authors prepared usually by $ 0.25 per work through PayPal, Skrill. But the works are sold quickly due to the fact that the site is focused on new images. The amount of payment is increased with an increase in total earnings. Automatic payments begin when you reach the minimum amount of $ 100. The disadvantage is a low speed.
Register in the rapidly developing needs of Depositphotos scan any document of identity. The exam consists of five works, very strict. But working with Depositphotos quite nice. According to the program site to stimulate you for every image the author receives $ 0.2. It is possible to get paid not only through PayPal and Skrill. Due to its Russian roots Depositphotos has a convenient Russian interface that will be very useful in the early stages of working with Microstock.
iStockPhoto has the most rigid policy verification and examination. At the same time, and pay him the highest. To register, you must provide a scanned document (passport, passport or the right). The exam consists of ten pictures. Photographers receive 15 to 45%, but earnings can be quite high at the conclusion of exclusive contracts. Methods of payment: PayPal, Payoneer. Russian version of the site as is.
Another worth noting a couple of fast-growing resources - 123 Royalty Free and BigStockPhoto. Registration on a 123RF requires confirmation scans documents. However, an examination of 10 photos go much easier than on the aforementioned iStockPhoto and Shutterstock. Payment is possible by Payoneer, PayPal, or Skrill. And BigStockPhoto examination represents a theoretical test (without supporting documents).
Of course, the choice of Microstock is not limited to this list. There are many little less popular resources: Russian Photobank "Lori", Zoonar, CanStockPhoto, Pond5, PhotoDune, Pixta, PantherMedia, CutCaster, Veer, Signelements, YayMicro, ShotShop and others. "Less popular" would not necessarily mean "less profitable" for you personally. Perhaps your photos faster will be sold on an alternative waste - to taste.
So, if you decide to upload images not only in Instagram or Facebook albums, and the VK, choose to start from 4-5 sites above and go through registration. Carefully fill out all required fields and read the rules. Next time we will take another step in online selling photos - Download the first images!
P. S. Special thanks to Roman for his careful reading of the article and the operational application of the comments!