Designing new cities and suburbs for the person
A Life / / December 19, 2019
How do we solve the problem of the suburbs? Urbanist Jeff Speck shows how we can free ourselves from dependence on the car - which he calls "the spews gas, who spend our time, and threaten our lives prosthesis "- making our cities more" walkable "and pleasant to more people.
Lately it has become fashionable to live in the suburbs and commute to work by car among a certain class of people. The example usually lead version of the "one-storey America" and sing the mobility of Americans are ready to move out from their homes to work at any time. But there is one significant "but" - people do not really think about how much time they spend on the road to work, and that all that time they spend sitting without movement (obscene gestures toward other drivers not considered).
Jeff Speck, an urban designer, talks about what urban sprawl "for cars, not for people" harmful to public health. He cites the example of the sad statistics of air pollution, epidemics of obesity and asthma, and talks about the exit from this situation.
Speck says it is about the United States, as many cities are built on a similar concept with the US in all corners of the world. Our cities have not grown up to American standards, but drivers already idling in traffic for a few hours, and many office workers have earned not only cars, but also a couple of extra kilograms.