How to overcome the crisis of 25 years - a personal experience
A Life / / December 19, 2019
Fari Nurbayeva
Esthete and erudite. He loves to explore life and create great things.
What is the essence of crisis
Parents of a child are told that you are special and very talented. The successes and achievements of small they comment on the phrases "You're a genius," "What have you done!", "You have a great future." You're growing up, feeling like a star, which is prepared for a special destiny (under a special destiny means a road studded with accomplishments and achievements).
Success in school, winning the competitions, admission to a prestigious university and the understanding that some of the things you work out better than everyone else, only strengthened this feeling. Add to this the expectations of parents, friends, parents and neighbors in the country.
The script everyone has his own, but the result is one: confidence in their uniqueness, their belief in the special good fortune and dreams of the great. This confidence is also supported by the media and social networks, who shout about the special talents that since childhood had Mark Zuckerberg, Mozart and others. Of course, when you come into contact with reality, not everything turns out, but the first failure it is always possible to justify "Here at
Steve Jobs It was also feil, or look at JK Rowling. " You are deeply wrapped in the mantle of favorites, embracing our ego and dreaming of a bright future.Meanwhile, the college years fly by, and all of a sudden you wake up in the formal status of an adult. From this moment life starts you pull out of the infantile dreams and forces grow, step by step, by killing the false "I" and destroying fantasies. The process goes fairly quickly, and to 24 years of the person dies.
In fact, a quarter of the crisis of life - is the death of a false "me."
At 23-24 you pin, and you meet virtually naked 25 years: the illusion is almost gone, new skills while adult functioning poorly, you feel very vulnerable.
Yes, this turning point is very difficult to survive. It really is a crisis, so there is nothing surprising in the depressions, hysterics, and the sensation that you are a complete jerk.
At these moments, it is important to understand that all through this pass. Someone degree of voltage above or below, but through it all go, and you will pass. The main thing - to try as little as possible breaking wood, no matter how much or pins.
How to deal with it
- In periods of exacerbation depression not to take any important decisions.
- No need to withdraw into themselves, to ignore friends and loved one. They can support and give the moments of happiness, even if you do not understand your condition.
- Enter daily routine and work out their rituals (for example, a cup of coffee in the morning). They will anchor at attacks of depression and be able to organize your life, which is very important when the chaos in my head.
- If you have already started an attack of depression, take a sheet of paper and write any thoughts that pop into your head. When the first wave will take place, stop writing and throw a sheet. Then try to turn off the emotions, do not cheat yourself and move their attention to something else. For example, to play with the cat or take the test.
- If you love your job, then go with it not worth it. The free-floating depression can progress, since there will be problems, that can be a distraction.
- But if the work is not love, it is best to leave as unpleasant work increases the internal stress, and dissatisfaction with life will be felt more acutely.
- To accept the reality and circumstances. How to use? Stop to analyze the situation and to ask the question "Why?". When you accept the situation, you let go of it.
- Find time to be alone with you to arrange all the ideas.
- to do yoga or take a walk.
- Seek professional help, if at all bad, and maybe take pills prescribed by a doctor.
How to live
When does the same adische (the destruction of illusions and experiences), the process of creating a new self begins. Establish yourself this dope without fantasies, parental influence, and so on. By that time a person comes to two conclusions:
1. No purpose and special destiny. Your life is the sum of your decisions and circumstances. The good news is that by doing this or that, you do not betray themselves, and simply select the area in which you will create itself. Freedom of choice - it is a gift of life.
2. No innate talent. There is a tendency, but they need to develop, and then they turn into talents. The good news is that if there is no talent, they can not be buried, and again to spoil his great destiny. So you can not worry, do not be afraid to start something and to try, because the success of initiatives independent of great talent.
The process of creating itself consists of several steps:
1. Deal with their children's injuries. This is obvious, but anyone who has worked with their children's problems, say that this is one of the most effective ways to improve their lives and their mental condition. It is impossible to move forward, when in my head wear bags unfinished problems.
2. To determine that the love that attracts and what you want. As we have already decided, there is no purpose, but to create itself without understanding their interests impossible. Sample questions:
- Who do you want to live?
- I want to do?
- What I like?
- What gives me joy?
3. Explore the features. These features - waves, which are sometimes difficult and pointless to fight, so it is easier to understand them and try to build a life in view of its uniqueness. Sample questions:
- What is the daily routine for my body?
- What is the rhythm of life for me?
- Which cycles in my life seen?
4. Select the scope of life, which just does not meet the more and take measures to change it.
And so, step by step, to create for themselves and their new life.
Note: All statements and tips presented in this article, are an expression of the personal opinions of the author and not necessarily those of the editors.