Explain as if my 5 years
A Life / / December 19, 2019
Reddit launched a new series of videos in which they explain the five-year children are literally on the fingers of such complex concepts as existentialism, the problems in Syria, or the stock market.
For myself, it is possible to arrange something like a workout, "If I can explain it to a five-year, then I can explain it to anyone";)
Existentialism and Friedrich Nietzsche
Existentialism (fr. existentialisme from Lat. existentia - existence), and the philosophy of existence - the direction in philosophy of the XX century, focuses its attention on the uniqueness of the human being, proclaims his irrational. Existentialism developed in parallel lines akin to personalism and philosophical anthropology, from which it differs, First of all, the idea of overcoming (not expansion) is man's own nature and a greater emphasis on emotional depth nature.
The crisis in Syria
Stock market
securities market, the stock market (Eng. stock market, Eng. equity market) - an integral part of the financial market, which turn into securities.