7 rules of safe transportation of children in the car
A Life / / December 19, 2019
Anna Okorokova
Project Expert "Mom steers" driving school "Green light", general doctor.
1. buckle up
The child and all passengers must be buckled. Children under 12 years of age can be transported only in vehicles equipped with seat belts. Furthermore, the retaining devices must meet the growth and weight of the child. It is a law that can not be broken.
2. Do not eat on the go
Do not feed or poite child while driving. If the kid poperhnotsya, it can cause injury and even threaten his life. You can stop, have a picnic and continue their journey on a full stomach.
3. take a first aid kit
pre-assemble first aid kit on the road. In it must include various types of dressings, antipyretic and analgesic drugs, such as paracetamol or Nurofen for children syrup. Also useful remedies for burns and allergy tablets for the stomach and a few special tools: tweezers, stationery scissors, tourniquet and a flashlight.
4. Close locks
Locks on the rear doors of the vehicle must be closed. They are in any case can not be left open, because during sharp turns, they may open at a high speed, and the child to fall out of the cabin. If the baby will indulge in, then he can accidentally open an unlocked door. Therefore, a closed padlock - a guarantee of security.
5. Power block
Make sure that the child could not use the Power, as it may damage his fingers. Moreover, there is the sad statistics, according to which children die from Power. A child may stick his head out the window and accidentally press the button on the door. Triggered automatically windows strangle a child. Scary, but true.
6. Do not leave a child alone in the car
Even for a short while. Even if he was fast sleeps. It is very dangerous. If in addition to the driver in the cabin no other adult to adjust the mirror so that the child is always in your field of vision.
7. To maintain order in the interior
Do not clutter the interior of the vehicle or carry large items together with their children. If possible, do not put things on the back panel. If the cabin transported heavy or hard objects, they must be secured.
Follow these simple but important advice and feel free to go on the road without unnecessary worries and fears. Forewarned is forearmed! Observe caution and enjoy a family trip.