I have to say, I am completely thrilled with the Jawbone UP even after a month of using the dense, so the review will be almost completely enthusiastic. Particularly well-behaved the bracelet shown in comparison with Nike + Fuelband and key fob pedometer Fitbit. But first things first.
To suit Jawbone UP?
If you move a lot and lead an active lifestyle or just want to imagine how something this way of life to justify. If you dataseksual and want everything to drive in the figure. If you are an iPhone user and painfully carry the impoverished majority of modern fitness applications. If you are interested in how you sleep and how the evening overeating or alcohol outpouring affect sleep. If you want to quickly and easily and, most importantly, the right to wake up in the morning. If you want to understand what you eat and how it affects your condition, you do not want to overeat and eat the right set of substances. If anything of the following about you, the Jawbone UP brand you need.
If simplified, making himself the bracelet Jawbone UP, it's just a pedometer. He believes vibrations that make your hand and interprets with a very well-written algorithms that just happens - if you go, run, jump or sleep. Without charging bracelet can work up to 10 days. I once worked for 12 days with a single recharge. The data it collects, is discharged only via the audio connector iPhone. Other devices are not supported.
A bit unusual method of connection to the telephone, but the lack of wireless connectivity makes it more self-contained than the same Nike + Fuelband, which requires recharging every 3-4 days. Bracelet charged only on the computer or USB charger for a special adapter. Being stuck in the iPhone for reading data, it is not charging.
Personally, I spent synchronization twice a day - after bedtime to see how he was - why I do not get enough sleep, or so perfectly feel, and in the evening before going to bed - to understand, I was today, "Mr. mobility" or ordinary office "type-congested" mattress.
Immediately after the purchase Jawbone UP in front of you a task to do 10,000 steps a day. To understand how this is, I have it was a 5-kilometer jog and a walk from the subway and back - ≈5 km further. If I ran 10 km or more, the plan was carried out immediately in just one hour. So I did basically :) Then put a plan of 12,000 steps and now in addition to "a lot of running," I had to "walk a lot." This is the optimal number. For a start you will notice incredible - you go to the neighbor for the cable across the floor area in the evening, but will be able to pick it up tomorrow! You will be happy to run out to the store for chocolate to his wife, who wanted "something like that, I do not understand what" for the night. You really start to move higher, since failure to plan for the day great demoralizing.
When you upload data to your steps per day, the software on the iPhone makes the conversion of the data and calories burned - in an active and a passive state. Also, you can see how during the day you behaved.
Jawbone UP have one unique feature that can be called absolutely outstanding - he is able to vibrate on your hand as soon as you are stuck in front of a computer at 15, 20, 30 minutes (or other exhibits you time). You get up, go to the cooler for water, squeeze, or simply doing exercises on the spot.
It is worth saying that the bracelet is not able to practice such activities as riding a bicycle or stationary bike, push-ups or pull-ups. At this point in your wrist bracelet coordinate system fixed. I had a 20-kilometer bicycle training is that the bracelet was shaking, reminding me of the movement :) But you can manually enter these activities account for calories burned. Supports running, walking, exercise with weights, cardio, bicycle training, yoga, pilates, basketball, tennis, dancing, football, skiing, and even video games :) The main thing to indicate the level of load and duration. Input does not affect the daily plan of steps, but it helps to more accurately understand the calorie daily consumption.
There are iPhone application rich analytical tool that is based on data recorded by you on a daily basis.
If you want to understand how you sleep, whether enough sleep in your life, you will come in handy Jawbone UP. On the bracelet has a button, long press which translates bracelet in tracking your sleep or outputs from it. We went to bed - hold the button and sleep. By fluctuations in your body bracelet understand perfectly when you can not sleep, tossing and turning when you have the phase of deep sleep, and when short.
Here is a simple example. I was amazed at how much different my dream with the use of a couple of beers, and without it, all other things being equal. If you drink a couple pivchanskogo before bedtime, then you fall asleep faster, but your sleep - oh! It is cutting deep and light sleep all night. This is not good, because you do not sleep enough as it is conceived by nature. When you go to subside sober, then gradually come to sleep, you have a 2-3 phase of a long sleep more than an hour long. In the morning, you - handsome!
General plan for sleep is 8 hours. I'm afraid that here you realize how little you sleep, and it alerted me personally. Lack of sleep reduces the creativity, vitality, nullifying the efforts in training - you just do not have time to recover. We are accustomed to raking in time for its sticking front of the TV, soc. networking and partying at bedtime. But understand one thing - have nothing to draw. If we continue on, we will differ little from the zombies with glimpses of intelligence in his eyes.
Have you tried to count once the calories eaten in food? And then see if grams of fiber you eat enough, do not have touched if with fast carbohydrates and help the muscles to grow whether consuming protein? Figure it out without the application of UP on the iPhone I found it difficult. Then everything is simple - you spend calories and it allows for the bracelet and input your alternative workouts. To understand the soundness of your power, enter the food you eat, the water and liquids that drink. Every day you will see a picture like this:
Enter eaten very simple - you choose the dishes and products from a huge database Jawbone and get painted eaten food items. All very simple and clear. Now the question is that there are not a hundred eveningandr: ate little fiber - chew an apple, etc.
smart advisor
With the help of Jawbone UP bracelet and applications from you is going to a huge analytical base. You tell how much exercise as much sleep, what you eat and how much to eat for. Service continuously generates you advice. For example, to make the evening a drunk beer will tell you that should not have done and why. You are advised to sleep more or cheer that you entered in the top 5% of people sleep well on the service (like me). Tips is the theme and help you stay healthy all better Men's Health and Prevention. Believe me ...
B that's not all!
smart Service
You are getting the alarm for 6:00, but it rings not stupid at this time, the other alarms. He calls as close to the time when you are in a short phase of sleep. Service just buzzing in your hand, without raising home. Get up with him just as you are in the moment of awakening has not really slept. It's a great feeling and you should try it!
Take a nap?
To restore power in the moments when sleep is not appropriate (eg in severe long trip), you only have 15-20 minutes. Jawbone UP can arrange you a dream. He knows when you fall asleep and then wakes you at the very time when it should be done. You have restored power and took nothing at all. As in Shtirlitsa, but without multi-annual training.
Your data is very personal. Neither the application nor the personal service and never send to Facebook or Twitter! There simply does not have this option, and it's great! But there is Friends, inside an iPhone application. I've got one friend, but he is very close and we were even together interesting. This is not about broadcasting, it is about a joint learning experience itself and its features. No social trash, which overflow all the services around. Just perfect.
Resistance to water
Jawbone UP is not waterproof, but it can take a shower, wash your hands or utensils without worrying about the consequences. He does not like water pressure and just to drown depth. Do not swim with it.
Jawbone UP - the best of the digital health today. Beautiful, comfortable, convenient, and despite napichkannost features done extremely minimalistic. It is not suitable for those who have no iPhone or iPad. So we decided to Jawbone and made an application for Android.
ADDED (20 March 2013): Now Jawbone UP bracelet can connect to phones running Android!
Download the app can be to Google Play for free.
Jawbone UP It provided for testing by iLand