Sarah-Jayne Blakemore of the secrets of the brain of adolescents
A Life / / December 19, 2019
Peak changes in the brain falls on Adolescence. That is why the teenagers seem to us unmanageable, too emotional and impulsive. Do you want to understand a teenager? Learn about how his brain works. At the conference, TEDGlobal neuroscientist Sarah-Jayne Blakemore interesting and humorous talks about his studies.
15 years ago, neuroscientists believed that the brain develops only in the first years of life. However, there were not modern technology and study the living brain in action was almost impossible. Now, thanks to MRI have the opportunity not just better consider and study the human brain. Now you can watch his reaction at the time when one is engaged in the solution of the problem, thinking about something and experiencing emotions.
And those opportunities have radically changed view of scientists about human brain development. It develops and after 20, even after 30 years. So on the myth that after 20-25 years is almost impossible to learn something new, you can not pay attention and be taken for study, not giving way to his brain froze.