As the projects on which we work, we change our personality
A Life / / December 19, 2019
We tend to think that the development of the character affects only heredity and upbringing. But there is a third factor - our personal projects.
Bryan Little
A psychologist, a professor at Cambridge University, specializing in motivational psychology and personality theory.
Personality can be viewed from two perspectives: through the properties of nature that we have, and through our actions, our personal projects. For example, "to perform well in a meeting" or "stop prokrastinirovat". Track and analyze these personal projects, you can better understand yourself and change something in their lives.
Our every action affects our personality
Personal projects are not limited to official duties. Among them are the works that we choose. This small everyday things, and big bold aspirations.
Try to make a list of their own projects. He will tell a lot about you. Here is an example of such a list:
- Blue: prepare the report.
- Interpersonal: dinner with H.
- Household: buy a printer cartridge.
- Entertainment: on vacation to go to sea.
- Health: lose five kilos.
- Intrapersonal: deal with your bad mood.
Particularly interesting for the analysis of intrapersonal projects focused on ourselves, such as "worry less when communicating" or "learn how to better listen to the interlocutor." On the one hand, they often cause depression, dissatisfaction and preoccupation with their failuresStruggling with self: The personal projects of students seeking psychological counselling.. On the other - they develop creativity and openness.
Much of this depends on why we started this project. If we see that we can become better and aspire to it, work on yourself is fun, we are more likely to achieve success. If we try to change the order or on the advice of others, attempts often do not bring any results.
How to change themselves
If you accept their identity as a set of actions, and not the character traits that you can change. After all, you can consciously choose and change their personal projects, which can not do with the character.
Nevertheless, our projects and our quality is closely related to each other. The way we have developed in the five main personality characteristics (openness to new experience, conscientiousness, extraversion, goodwill and nervousness), affect the way we evaluate our projects, how difficult for us to implement them and that we all we undertake.
For example, nervous people are more prone to negative emotions, so often evaluate their projects as a tense. If you too are faced with this, try to set aside time that you raise mood. Let it will be some small projects, you'll frequently engage and from which you will enjoy.
You are not limited innate traits. Your actions is more important than your personal properties.
We do not have to deal with all his life that dictates the character. When we strive for something that is really important to us, we make an effort and do not force ourselves to act as in normal circumstances. With practice, it gives easier and easier, and gradually becomes a habit. So step by step, you can change yourself.