To read over the weekend? A selection of the best materials for the week
A Life Inspiration / / December 19, 2019
Just a few minutes we get a business card, advertisement, banner or graphic, it can compete with professional work. Yes, for the bold and original decisions you will still have access to specialists, but as fast "first-aid" tools, online service Canva may well be interested in the widest circles users.
Illustrators Alan Watts and Gavin Aung Tang created a simple comic that just puts us in that sacred moment choice young man, when he asks the question, "And what exactly do I do with my life?" He and we offer you, dear readers.
20 years - this is the age when not only it seems that everything is possible, but the fact that life is passing you. And for some reason we always think that life owes us, and if something does not work, then all the blame but us. It is time to break this stereotype. If you have something does not work, then you are doing something wrong. And here are some reasons why.
On foreign websites from Europe and the United States can buy really high quality stuff that you will not find in our boutiques. In addition, now is the time of Christmas sales, and it means - the opportunity to buy things at a discount. In this article we will introduce you to 20-Coy popular online stores abroad, where you can buy clothes and gifts for the whole family.
The beginning of winter is always carrying heavy. Gray clouds, gray streets and the same gray people - is difficult not to get bored on a hot summer or a gentle spring. We decided to make a compilation of yoga asanas that not only will your body in order (especially the spine and shoulder girdle), but cheer up, get rid of the winter blues.
How to find the perfect budget planning to obtain and ours, and yours? That is, all you need to consider, and leave yourself to the joy of small and medium-sized (especially large should always plan ahead)? One of the options - make a budget based on a pyramid of human needs by Maslow. By the way, a very interesting and practical option!
Baylis - a cream liqueur yum-yum, which is included in such known cocktails as B-52, Irish dream and Orgasm. If you wanted a creamy sweet liqueur, you can cook it yourself, and it is necessary to spend 40 minutes of time (longer wait than to cook) and about 100 rubles, provided that the vodka you already there is.
Everyone knows that the unhealthy food - is evil. We understand that poor diet can cause heart problems, high blood pressure and many other health troubles. But if everything is so bad, why periodically there is an overwhelming desire to eat something harmful? Consider the problem from the scientific point of view.
Skype, Twitter, VKontakte, phones with GPS support, Instagram, Facebook, Youtube, and thousands of other possibilities - everything it is not without the help of the users themselves, making private information public domain and private life becomes public. On the one hand, no one forces you to lay out something, but the Internet audience makes its own rules, and still the person begins to cover the anxiety and paranoia.
Our reader successfully circulated his skills in the IELTS exam and now shares advice with you. He never gave up before the exam, and then he had to pass it the first time this spring, type Acamedic. The results were remarkable!
There are plenty of services that help you better understand a foreign language: translators, video tutorials, online courses and so on. But none of this can replace the most important thing - the dictionary. A good dictionary is not much, but our today's hero - ABBYY Lingvo Dictionary can safely be considered an excellent dictionary for Mac users.