Entropy governs our lives
A Life / / December 19, 2019
Problems always arise by themselves, but their decision to have to expend a lot of effort, energy and attention. This is due to a major force in the universe, which governs the life of each of us - entropy.
Imagine you have a box with puzzles and poured out all the pieces on the table. In theory, the pieces can fall into place so that the picture will develop fully once. But life is never so. Why?
Because the chances of this are negligible, because each piece of the puzzle to fall only one certain way to the picture developed. In mathematical terms, the probability that this will happen by chance, minimal.
What is entropy
Entropy - a measure of disorder. And it always increases with time. All naturally tends toward disorder. Buildings are destroyed. rusting car. People age. Even the mountains gradually fall apart.
This rule, known as the second law of thermodynamics- one of the fundamental laws of our universe. It states that the entropy of an isolated system remains constant or increased (but never decreased).
But do not panic, there is good news. We can resist the force of entropy. We can gather up scattered puzzle. Weeding an overgrown garden. Get out of the cluttered room. Organize disparate people into cohesive team.
Since the universe tends to disorder, we have to expend energy to create in your life stability and orderliness.
that relationship has been successful, Need care and attention. To house was in good condition, it needs to be repaired and kept clean. For the success of the team need to communicate and collaborate. If you do not make an effort, everything will tend to decay.
This conclusion - that disorder always increases with time, and we can counter this by expending energy - opens the main purpose of life. We must make an effort to create order, which will be able to resist the relentless pressure of entropy.
Entropy manifests in our lives
With the help of entropy can explain many strange and amazing facts, for example:
Why is our life so unusual
Introduce human body. The atoms that make up the body, could emerge virtually infinite number of options and not create any form of life. C point of view of mathematics, probability of existence is very small. And yet we exist.
In the universe, where everything is run by the entropy, the presence of life with a clear sustainable organization is amazing.
Why we love art and beauty
With the help of entropy can explain why the art and beauty seem so aesthetically appealing. The artist creates a special form of order and symmetry, what the universe will likely never would have spawned their own. The number of beautiful combinations is much less than the total number of all combinations. Beauty - a rarity in the universe, a complete mess. Therefore, a symmetrical face is rare and beautiful, because of asymmetrical options incomparably greater.
Why ideal conditions for themselves do not need to find and create
Each of us their talents, skills and interests. But the society and culture in which we live, were not created specifically for us. Mindful of entropy, think, what are the chances that the environment in which you grew up, are ideal for the disclosure of your talents?
It is highly unlikely that life will give you a situation ideally suited to your abilities. Most likely, you will find yourself in a position not exactly match your skills and needs.
We usually describe this state as "out of place", "out of his element." Naturally, in such conditions it is much more difficult to achieve success, Benefit, win. Knowing this, we need to do to create for himself an ideal living conditions.
Difficulties in life arise not because the planets lined up so, and not because some higher power have conspired against you. It's just the law of entropy. States of confusion more than ordered. Given all this, it is surprising is not that in life there are problems, but that we can resolve them.