ULCAMP-2013 - in Ulyanovsk is the third time took place "Beach is the International Conference"
A Life / / December 19, 2019
From 19 to 21 July in Ulyanovsk hosted the Third International IT Conference ULCAMP-2013. Traditionally, it is held in a camp format which participants broke on the Volga River in a beautiful place called "Green park".
Anyone who has ever been on Ulkempe knows that he is distinguished by its special, not like the rest of the conference, the atmosphere relaxed and simple communication. Here it is collected and IT students, and those who have long been working in this field, and seasoned experts, not only from Russia but also from America. Come even investors who listen with interest about new ideas and projects.
Main Stage ULCAMP-2013 was given over to the reports of these masters of the IT industry:
Philippe Cailloux (Echo Executive Officer) He spoke about intercultural communication features (for Echo Company has offices in the United States and Russia) and work in a distributed team.
Sridhar Nagaradjan (Strategic Development Director Ecwid) He talked about how to develop the company to its share holders finally prospered.
Torchinskiy Philip (the evangelist in JetBrains, on UNIX expert and author of books and articles) I talked a lot about why the IDE as the platform for its flagship mobile platform Google has chosen IntelliJ and that more useful plans JetBrains.
#ulcamp - 2013 - Day Two https://t.co/T6XBlFOdeWpic.twitter.com/teZYWJLbIk
- Alexey Kondratyev (@mouse_fin) July 20, 2013
Of course, part of the report was held in English, which did not prevent the participants well understand the speakers and even ask questions after the presentation is completed.
Maksim Dorofeev (multiskill.ru) I had a fascinating and useful training game in Project Management. By conventional socks, colored balls and mathematical formulas, the participants had expected the rate of implementation of the project. It was fun, and most importantly - useful, because the same mathematical formula applicable to the real work.
In addition to the main stage, on Ulkempe functioned as many as four barcamp. Here the program of performances shaped by the participants themselves, and could perform any who wanted to tell me something. At BarCamp in-depth technical topics were discussed generally, but students at all four sites were many.
schedule #ulcamp BarCamp # 4 pic.twitter.com/6UAkzKAfWZ
- ULCAMP-2013 (@Ulcamp) July 21, 2013
A math lecture in the forest #Ulcamppic.twitter.com/dCRq8luM5k
- Vyacheslav (@ smith3v) July 20, 2013
Accommodation is in tents, the opportunity to come to reports in bathing suits and shorts and all the romance of a relaxing holiday helped very warm fellowship. Discussions at the campground did not stop until morning. Participants meet, discuss problems of work and personal, exchanging knowledge and plants useful business contacts.
#UlCamp …OK… pic.twitter.com/OIDwQFDor2
- ¢ | αμϟ (@tehclaus) July 20, 2013
- Openysheva Svetlana (@svsolnishko) July 19, 2013
Each Ulkemp generates a whole wave of events. Parties continue to actively communicate, make new projects, organize small professional meetings, someone finds a new job, but someone - a valuable employee. But most importantly, energy and positive charge after Ulkempa enough just until the moment when it is time to register for the next "most important beach Conference" as it is now called Ulkemp.
International IT Conference "Ulkemp 2013" organized by the independent non-profit organization "Ulyanovsk Council cultivation Internet technologies" and its participants - Ulyanovsk IT companies «Buy Me a Pie!», Echo, Ecwid, ITECH.group, «Buffer Bay" APB with the support of the Government of the Ulyanovsk area. Detailed information about the conference can be found at website.
First photo: @svsolnishko