As a language spoken by the people, can affect its ability to make savings
A Life / / December 19, 2019
A behavioral economist Keith Chen decided to examine whether the lack of effect in the language of the future tense in the way people make their savings. And in his speech at TED, he shares the results.
In Chinese, time is not divided into intervals. If the Russian or English language is unacceptable expression "Yesterday the rain", while for Chinese version of "Yesterday the rain," "Today there is rain", "Tomorrow the rain" are natural.
And such a difference can be observed not only between such distant from each other languages. At the same German can be said about tomorrow's rain «Morgen regnet es», which will be played in English, "Tomorrow the rain", although both belong to the German language group.
Ask this question, a behavioral economist Keith Chen decided to conduct its own investigation of whether the lack of effect in the language of the future tense in the way people make their savings. And in his speech at TED, he shares the results.
While this is only a theory, and there is still a lot of work, so do not immediately take it on faith. But you will agree that this theory is quite interesting.