Why everyone should write your manifesto and how to do it
Motivation A Life / / December 19, 2019
We are always something to write. Memoranda, notes, shopping lists, to do lists, explanatory and thousands of other small, meaningless pieces of paper. What matters, such write. However, if you set a really big goal, you want to make important changes in your life, and an implementation plan should be called quite differently, solemn and important. For example, the Manifesto.
Manifesto as dictionaries tell us - is a particularly important document, publicly declaring on the basic principles, the views and intentions of a particular person, party or state. History knows many manifestos proclaiming a new religious and cultural trends, the war begins and cause of the revolution. Although the number of your goals certainly no intention to change the political system or strive capture the universe, writing such a document is a great way to:
- clarify, including for himself, his beliefs;
- check and increase their motivation;
- develop personal conduct rules and policies;
- describe the world in which you want to live;
- set specific goals and ways to achieve them.
Thinking, formulation and securing of the paper who you are now and where are going to move on, will help you:
- make the right decisions;
- assess their capabilities;
- stand on their principles, when there is a difficult situation of moral choice;
- to achieve their goals.
Your manifesto should not be carved in stone for centuries. Each person goes through during the life of a certain evolution of their views, principles and objectives, sometimes quite dramatically, so that what seemed like only yesterday the holy and inviolable, now looks ridiculous and ridiculous. Much better to watch it every year and make the necessary changes. Even more useful is to keep older versions of the document, then to see the level of your personal growth.
If you've never had to write these important documents and you do not know where to start, try to use the following plan:
I believe that every person has the following qualities and rights _______.
I think it is very important the following things _______.
In my world, people relate to each other _______.
In my world, _______ (description of environmental, economic, etc.).
My personal policy is _______ (to behave in a certain way).
I believe that I possess a unique position to _______ (to do something).
My personal goal is comprehensive _______ (add milestones optional).
My general purpose business / career is _______ (add milestones optional).
You do not need to publish their manifesto in the newspapers for all to see. However, if you have a partner in life, close friends or business partners, it is a good occasion to check their life priorities and attitude towards life.
Writing the life of the manifesto should not be an attempt to create a platform for preaching or nravouchitelstva. First of all, it is a frank conversation with himself in order to clarify the important things for you, to distill the essence of his views and attitude to the world, to outline the main directions of its development.