Why some people do not want to have children
A Life / / December 19, 2019
So it is assumed that a happy family must have children. It is believed that any normal and healthy person wants to have children. But is it really? Who sets the standards? These questions set the user QuoraThey staged a lively discussion, the most important ideas from which we will share with you today.
Some people just can not imagine what a joy - to be a parent.
I think you first need to answer another question: why do people want to have children?
- Paternal tradition - the man must be sonTo continue his race.
- Do you want to leave someone behind to remember all about you after you die.
- own feelings. It's so important to close was someone whom you can call your own.
- Vestiges of the past: in the past it was believed that the more children you have, the more work around the house, they will be able to perform, and therefore, the richer will your family.
- You must be someone who will take care of you in old age.
- People are just looking meaning in life. And the family - one of those meanings.
Why people do not want to have children
- Overpopulation. Many people believe that the Earth is already too crowded.
- This is a crazy world. How can I raise my child in the world, which has long been derailed?
- Children - is expensive. Every parent knows how much money will have to spend on something to raise a child. Some individuals do not peel off from the parent's neck and 30, and 40 years.
- They have already found meaning in something else. They are happy and enjoy life, and the birth and upbringing of children is not included in their plans.
- They fear being lousy parents.
- Afraid of responsibility.
I did not want to have children. But I married a woman who already had a child. I loved this child as his own. Later we have a joint child. I love both children, I am ready to die for them. So, perhaps, the people who do not want to have children simply have no idea what this happiness - to be a parent.
I have no children, and I'm not going to give birth to them. And no, it's not because I have a financial or personal problems. I just never wanted to have children. I thought I change my mind when I turned 30, but this did not happen.
Some people have children just because everyone is doing it, and therefore it should be. I'm not one of them.
4 main reasons
- They were older children in the family, nursed with their younger brothers and sisters while their parents build a career. They are, so to speak, already fed up with the game of daughters and mothers.
- They have a disease that is inherited. They do not want to condemn a child to life, which he will hold in agony.
- They do not want to change their lifestyle. All family members are usually tailored for all your business to the needs of the child. Not everyone is ready to make such sacrifices.
- They have other priorities. For example, they recently get a good job, trying to build a career. A child, in their opinion, will slow them in this endeavor.
I do not want to waste your time on kids
I do not want to have children, because they will take the lion's share of my time. I will either have to steal for them at work and favorite hobby, or to hire a nanny for them.
For the latter, I do not have the financial ability. Besides, I do not want to have children, if you can not spend time with them enough time.
Maybe if I had the opportunity to refuse to work, then I would have thought about to give birth to a child. But such a possibility, and I have not expected.
Children - this is a responsibility that not everyone on the shoulder
This is a big a responsibilityWhich is not to everyone's shoulder. You have to constantly ensure that your child has been fed, clothed and shod, well. In addition, you will be constantly tormenting thoughts on how to make him happy.
I do not feel the strength to be a good parent
Why some people do not like chocolate, while others - fishing? Why would someone just loves to read, but others find it boring occupation? Who sets the standards?
Perhaps someone this comparison may seem wild, but I think it is appropriate. Each person something like and what do not. Someone feels the strength to be a good parent, and someone - no.
sweet freedom
I am 36 years old, I do not have children. We recently traveled with friends to relax, we all have friends of the family, almost all have children.
Watching my friends, I noticed that they are very fond of their children, despite the fact that they take the lion's share of their time.
I have nothing against children, but do not want to start their own. Maybe I'm afraid of the responsibility that necessarily entail the birth of a child.
The world is going to hell
I have a child that I love immensely. But I perfectly understand people who do not want to have children, in any case, do not blame them. It is better to admit honestly that you do not want to have children, than to have a child and do not care about him.
Take a look around. Many people have children just because it is made. Others want a way to save a marriage that has cracked. Other people have a child - it is only a consequence of unprotected sexual intercourse. The world is going to hell.
I do not want to raise children in poverty
I grew up in poverty, lacking the all over. And then I promised myself that if you do not get out of this pit, then never going to have children. Out of the pit, I still have not got.
Suppose I do not have my children, but I'm happy (s)
My mother had two miscarriages, after watching her torment, I never wanted to experience anything like that. I have poor health, so that in 14 years I have learned that I also have the risk of miscarriage, I always rejected the idea of being a mother.
Now I am 30 years, I have nephews and nieces, whom I adore. Suppose I do not have their own children, but I can call myself a happy man.
Do not you think all this sad? What do you think about this?