5 Tips couples beginning life together
A Life / / December 19, 2019
Move in with a partner - this is a serious step. So serious that sometimes it distracts from the magnitude of the small, but at the same time important details of their life together. There are at least five mistakes that you should not make when you start living together.
1. Do not hesitate with the organization of their things until the last moment
It should deal with all their belongings even before the move to a common apartment, where, perhaps, not enough space for all. Shalt and decide what things are really important to you. Leave space for new things that you will gain with the love of his life.
Divide things into four categories:
- Save.
- Sell.
- Give.
- Discarded.
Keep clothes that you wore in the last year, and the necessary elements of the situation that you do not plan to buy in the near future. Sell what has value, but it was odd, or just tired of you. Give the clothes and shoes you do not wear for a long time, books, and all that is not worth the forces which require a buyer. Everything else is strongly attributed to the trash.
Be sure to know the opinion of a loved one before on something to get rid of.
2. Do not close your eyes to the shortcomings
It may be small, and very serious problems. Snore it may become apparent cause for the break. But the abuse of drugs can remain unnoticed until such time as you do not find yourself in the same area. All that matters is how well you know each other.
In some cases, quite a few calls to answer questions such as:
- Can you take a shower together, or would prefer to retire while caring for themselves?
- How will overlap your work schedules?
- Who will be responsible for the bills?
Evaluate what weaknesses have your favorite? Are you willing to work on these points?
It also happens that your mate has been child. Then you need to decide whether you are ready to become part of his life.
And maybe talk about your weaknesses. In this case, do not take a defensive position. Try to look at yourself from the other side and decide what concessions and changes in yourself you are ready to go.
But do not expect that the new place everything resolved itself.
3. Do not assume that finances will not have to deal with
Money Talks - this is one of the main sources of stress and disputes in every house. Your will be no exception. Although legally you do not have a partner money, it is better to share information with each other about your income, to better plan costs. The same goes for debt.
Likely to engage in the general accounts will be the one who best cope with their. If your favorite - spender, Set up an automatic transfer into your account at least the part that goes to pay for housing, covering credit or future joint purchase.
Do not worry that you will become a nanny. Treat it as an investment of their time and knowledge in the absence of conflict in the future.
4. Do not put all the work on the house for one person
This mistake many couples make. As a rule, the mountain washes dishes one who first became sick at her form. It's unfair, but it is very easy to get stuck in such scenarios unbalanced life together. Before you move in together, discuss equality in the field of household.
- Who takes out the garbage?
- Who does the dishes? (This is often the one who is not ready. But maybe someone easier to completely take over the kitchen, and the other - bathroom room and toilet.)
- Who repairs the closet, when he starts to creak?
All these problems have nothing to do with what you have sex, or who earn more money. It is better if it would make someone who is less complicated.
In an extreme case, if one of you does not want to cleaningYou can order a cleaning service by writing this article expenditures in the general budget, and never to swear because of the dust.
5. Do not pretend that you are married
This is a serious mistake. Many see cohabitation as a first step towards marriage. For many, it's true. Couples living in the same area, there is a great opportunity to check each other's willingness to compromise, generosity, emotional, sex and financial compatibility at the household level. All of this is priceless.
But the fact that you have begun to live in one area does not mean that you necessarily get married!
Avoid the occurrence of unhealthy dependence on one another. Your things do not belong to your loved one, and his stuff is not your property. When making decisions, you do not always have to take into account the interests of the partner. You can try out these relations Something bigger, But you can always break them, if they do not suit you. This fact and the meaning of your life together, do not you?