5 steps to overcome jealousy
A Life / / December 19, 2019
Unless you're Warren Buffett or Usain Bolt, there will always be someone in the world is richer, faster, stronger and more successful than you. Whatever the business, project or idea you did not develop, there will be someone who does it better, and consciously or unconsciously you will look at your competitor or an opponent with an envious sigh.All of modern consumer culture and society as a whole is imbued with the spirit of the competition: "Faster, higher, stronger" - this is not more about the sport. It is - about money, power, beautiful and expensive car (albeit often bought on credit, but only to "disrupt" the eye neighbors) about the house on the nature more, about the card and post higher (although sometimes work in a large corporation - this is the greatest evil that you will encounter in their lives).
Man - an ambitious little animal, which was not accustomed to retreat, and because I want to be a better, more successful, get ahead, catch up, overtake, excel... Envy imperceptibly becomes a mandatory part of our perception of the world
Although poisons our lives, often interfering with normal friendly, business and relationship. How to deal with it?To start: Envy comes from the habit to compare myself with others (Although it often does not help, but even harms the promotion and the life and the career ladder). Quit not easy, but there are at least 5 steps to help curb feelings of envy and bring it under control.
1. Admit to yourself that are prone to envy. Recognition that envy you do not alien, means that you are able to recognize their own weakness and insecurity in some cases, and hostility that appears to those whom you envy. One can not imagine a superman if he is mentally normal; and therefore, weakness and insecurity - such as natural part of your "I", as well as other traits and personal qualities.
2. Understand that pride - the only downside of envy. If your colleagues machine better than you, but you will at the same time more beautiful than he (or she) - this is just the first step to the future of envy. Sooner or later you will be on the man and the machine more expensive, and looks more attractive than you and your collegial "loser." And then you will become a loser, and envy will indulge.
Do not be proud of the fact that there was only a result of the well established life circumstances or good heredity.
Realize that most of the things or personal qualities that you are proud of - only a temporary phenomenon, and there is always someone who is better than you on these parameters.
3. Replace the envy of the ability to look at someone else's success from different angles and to empathize with him. You never know for sure what the price of money, fame, looks, happy (at first glance) family or a brilliant career were given to your family or even strangers, but famous people.
Sometimes on the way to success or happiness, which all envy, lie enormous sacrifices, mistakes, big and small tragedies. Realizing this, you will realize that there is nothing to envy: who knows, you may have a tenth of the troubles and trials was not what was in these "successful" people.
Whether you want such fame, success and wealth at such a price?
4. Make sense of envy "fuel" for self-improvement, if possible. Yes, sometimes jealousy can not change our difficult past, difficult childhood, the tragic events in the recent or distant past, a lack of money or bad parents. But you do not need to endlessly dig these reasons, reveling in the feeling of self-pity, complaining about fate and continuing to envy someone who was better than you, - and at the same time to do nothing, just sit back hands.
You do not like the work, lifestyle, relationship or financial well-being? Just get up and do something to break the established way of life and your life!
5. Do not forget about the sense of gratitude and the ability to enjoy their success. This does not mean that it is necessary to consider the calculator, the more you have made successful cases and change than a colleague or neighbor. Just do not forget that each small victory - this is your personal great success and an important event in your life.
The ability to change focus from unreasoning jealousy motivated to gratitude and joy for their success - the best to help you.