10 shade-house plants that will enliven the interior
Educational Program A Life / / December 19, 2019
All these flowers thrive away from the window, in the penumbra. But to live completely without light, they can not. Therefore, do not place them there, where there is no natural or permanent artificial lighting.
In addition, shade-loving houseplants usually unpretentious, easy to care for them.
1. Aspidistra
Aspidistra - a houseplant with large rich-green glossy leaves on long stalks. She was well in partial shade and in the sun it does not suffer in the morning and evening.
Comfortable for carnations temperature in the warmer months - up to 26 ° C, extreme heat flower brings not very good. Winter plant better at about 15 ° C.
From spring to autumn flower should be plenty of water every couple of days or less as soon as the top layer of soil in the pot dries. In winter, watering should be moderate, on average twice a week.
Aspidistra need to spray if it is winter in the warmth. The rest of the normal room humidity is sufficient.
Do not forget to water🌵
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2. Zamioculcas
Zamioculcas - houseplant, which is well in partial shade, as well as the eastern and western windows.
The flower can reach 1 meter in height, so he needs a lot of space. And that it was not one-sided, every few weeks, it is necessary to turn to the light source by the other party.
Easy to care for Zamioculcas. It normally grows at normal room temperature, in the winter - not necessarily below 16 ° C. In the summer it can be taken on balconyJust do not leave in direct sunlight.
Zamioculcas watering is necessary, when the earth in the pot dries by about a third: it is possible to check with a wooden stick. From too frequent watering of the plant roots to rot.
Spraying is also not needed. Suffice it once a month to remove dust from the leaves with a damp cloth.
Learn the secrets🌴
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3. Monstera
Monstera feels well in partial shade. From intense sunlight, drafts and temperature below 16 ° C, this unpretentious vine must be protected.
Flower develops rather quickly, the stem stretches a few meters, and leaves reach tens of centimeters in diameter. Therefore, to support the monstera need the vertical supports. Place the pot is better to choose for once: the plant does not tolerate frequent rearrangements.
Monstera need watering profusely every two or three days, so that the earth was moist but not waterlogged. Plus, it is desirable to spray the plant every day or two.
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4. Nephrolepis
Nephrolepis - indoor plantWith a great feeling in the light penumbra. It is not necessary to put it on the south side and leave in the afternoon sun, they are dangerous for the flower.
Suitable for this fern temperature during the warm season to 25 ° C, and in the winter - not below 16 ° C. Drafts are dangerous in any season.
From late spring to autumn you can make Nephrolepis balcony. The main thing - to find a suitable place on the level of illumination.
Nephrolepis should be watered every few days, and abundantly through a pallet, so that the soil remains slightly damp. To dry the upper layer of soil is only in winter. Giving ground to dry completely impossible.
Nephrolepis likes humidity, so it should be sprayed once a day or two. Especially important are the water treatments in the heat.
Place on a window sill🌼
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5. sansevieriya
Sansevieriya - indoor plant with pointed fleshy leaves, which are usually collected in the rosette. Penumbra for instance with green leaves. Varieties with light strips need a bright diffused light.
Pike tail is often referred to as a plant that is resistant to normal room temperature. Although winter and light is allowed cool about 17 ° C.
The plant should be watered sparingly, so that the soil had time to dry. Waterlogging is dangerous: can rot roots.
Adding water to the sump better. If you do choose the top watering, make sure that the liquid does not hit the wall outlet, and then they rot.
it is not necessary to spray the pike tail. Enough to wipe the dust from the leaves once a month and a half.
Take care properly🌳
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6. Fatsa
Fats can be put in the back of the room, and near the window. Pritenenie not affect the appearance, but also to grow flower It will be slower. Although variegated types is still better to choose the ambient light, rather than the penumbra.
In the spring and autumn Fats will be good at 20-23 ° C. In winter it is desirable to keep the plant in a cool - about 15 ° C, although it may adapt and to higher temperatures.
Flower watered every few days, so that the soil in the pot was constantly slightly moist. Do not give ground to dry for more than a centimeter and a half. From this humbled leaves. Fats play is not very well tolerated, so do not breed in the pot swamp.
If the plant is winter in the cool, humidify it should be less, just once or twice a week. If in the heat, in the normal mode.
Do not let it dry🌸
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7. header
Hedera, or ivy with green leaves can grow in partial shade light. Variegated forms need a diffuse light, otherwise they will lose their color.
Best header feels when in summer the temperature not above 25 ° C, and in the winter - in the range of 16 ° C. FROM spring and the autumn plant can be taken into the fresh air, such as a balcony.
Ivy watered abundantly couple of times a week. The earth in the pot does not dry completely, but you need to drain the excess moisture from the pan.
When wintering in the cool of the watering should be limited to one per week.
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8. Chlorophytum
Chlorophytum - a popular and very easy to care for indoor plant. Crested and other species with green leaves grow well in diffuse light, and in the penumbra.
flower room temperature is suitable, especially to lower it in winter is not necessary.
Chlorophytum need to be watered every two to three days. Land in the pot should neither dry out completely or turn into swamp. Chlorophytum just need to spray every few days. Do not interfere, and a monthly warm shower: it will help to remove the dust from the leaves.
Surround yourself with beauty🏵️
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9. tsiperus
Tsiperus can be placed in an easy penumbra, and bright ambient light. No special conditions, including winter, it is not necessary to create. Home - not to leave the pot temperature below 15 ° C.
In nature tsiperus grows next to the pond. Therefore, it is poured abundantly through the tray every few days. If the land is in the pot dries out, the flower may die.
Important for tsiperusa and humidity. To support it, the plant should be sprayed, and next put a container with water or humidifier.
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10. tsissus
Tsissus - unpretentious curly houseplant, which comfortably in partial shade and diffuse light. Flower growing rapidly. To form a beautiful bush, it is better to use special vertical supports in the shape of an arc or a ladder.
At any time of the year tsissus tolerates normal room temperature. From late spring to autumn you can stand on the balcony.
Summer plants watered several times a week in winter - less. Every two days tsissus useful to spray, and once a month - to put under a warm shower to wash off all the dust from the leaves.
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