5 scientifically proven reasons to become a fan of the order
A Life / / December 19, 2019
Scientists say the disorder impairs health, reduces productivity, and even make us eat more.
Dirty and cluttered house, a work desk, cluttered papers and trinkets, a heap of pending cases and unread emails... All this disorder - physical or mental. Recent studies show that it affects the level of stress, well-being, health and mental capabilities.
Below are good reasons to optimize the life and love purity.
1. Clutter reduces the level of subjective well-being
American scientists have foundThe dark side of home: Assessing possession 'clutter' on subjective well-being. That the chaos and trash in the house make people feel worse. The reason is, they explain that we perceive our house as a kind of island of tranquility and comfort. Clutter also makes us feel hostility towards this place.
Cluttered - a very tricky thing.
On the one hand, the desire to grow into natural assets. But when things get too much, a person begins to experience stress and alienation to his home.
2. Clutter contributes to unhealthy diet
Researchers from Australia and the United States foundClutter, Chaos, and Overconsumption. That people eat nearly three times as much junk food, if they are surrounded by chaos. As they put subjects in a clean and dirty room during his experiment. While in the first, participants ate little enough cookies (about 38 calories). The dirty room calorie meal has risen to 103 calories.
3. Cluttered worsens mental health
research OverviewStress and well-being at work: A century of empirical trends reflecting theoretical and societal influences. Related to stress at work, has shown that a good working environment - a prerequisite for Mental Health. Although recent data suggest that the more important in this case, mental, rather than physical comfort, however, and there must be order. Thus, a goal unread messages mailbox enough to make a person feel worse.
Personalized work environment beneficial for workers. If it becomes cluttered, their effectiveness is reduced.
4. The disorder interferes with visual perception
Scientists from Cornell University concludedFacial expression, size, and clutter: Inferences from movie structure to emotion judgments and back. That the audience is difficult to interpret the facial expressions of characters in the footage cluttered, especially if the characters are far away from the camera.
For everyday life, this means that we will be more difficult to understand another person's emotions in the room, littered with a bunch of things.
5. Mental disorder interferes with thinking
Mental disorder - a state of mind in which a person can not suppress unnecessary information. StudyCognitive Control As a Double-Edged Sword. Published in 2016, shows that it reduces the speed and efficiency of solving current problems.
This is not surprising. If the brain is constantly processing the extra data, it is much more difficult to work.
The disorder is different. But whatever form it takes, it prevents us to live normally. So it's time to make your life easier and cleaner.