How to pump the brain through poetry
A Life / / December 19, 2019
Poetic texts, in addition to aesthetic pleasure can bring tangible practical benefits. Brain, combining business with pleasure, turns your favorite poem in your own powerful simulator.
Scientists from the University of Liverpool have investigatedShakespeare and Wordsworth boost the brain, new research reveals the impact of high reading poetry on human brain activity.
It was found that the neurons of the brain sends a strong impulse, meeting almost every word in a poem or a turnover.
This pulse is not diminished even when the line ends. So, the brain accelerates and continues to seek additional meaning in the following verses. The same product, retold in prose, this effect does not have.
For example, the word "mad" in the retelling replaced by "furious." Before replacing the brain's trying to make sense of why the author use this epithet. And the word "furious" did not cause significant momentum.
Also found that the poetry reading affects areas of the brain responsible for autobiographical memory, and allows us to overestimate our own experience in the world of reading.
Such brain activity and help to become more intelligent.
write poetry
Psychologists advise to write down on paper everything that happens to us. It helps the brain to unload and organize information. Why not do it in verse? Even if just to retell the events of the day in verse form, it is possible to achieve at least two objectives: get a psychological discharge and linguistic experience.
Selection of rhyme and rhythm maintenance requires mental effort, and they will not go to you for nothing. In fact, the literature such action is irrelevant. Only the training of the mind.
Listen to the poem
German neuroscientist Ernst Pöppel and poet Frederick Turner in his essayBeauty and brains. Biological aspects of aesthetics credited listening verses light hypnotic effect. The brain adapts to the poetic rhythm and constant repetitions (rhyme). Man thereby relaxes.
When you listen to poetry, beginning to work, both hemispheres of the brain. Right is responsible for the rhythm, while the left - for the verbal component.
So, listening to poetry provides a stereo effect. It is much more useful monoeffekta ordinary prose, which handles only the left hemisphere.
hemispheres interaction allows the brain to assess any situation from all sides. By teaching the brain to work a whole, not in parts (hemispheres), you will be able to more holistic approach to the problem. Agree, a useful skill.
teach poetry
Teach poetry - this is one of the most affordable and enjoyable ways to improve their memory. If you take it a rule to teach at least one poem a week for a couple of months you notice that memorize texts of any complexity you has become much easier. Do not forget about learning. All we ever admired a man who read a favorite poem by heart.
recent studiesThe emotional power of poetry: neural circuitry, psychophysiology, compositional principles It showed that poetry develops empathy. Recitation of strong lines makes people deep emotions and even chills.
It turns out that the appearance of tingling on the skin - one of the forms of empathy. This effect, scientists compared with a yawn: when one yawns, unconsciously begin to yawn and someone else. The same with gooseflesh. Thus, the brain learns to understand other people's emotions.
Researchers work and personal experience suggest beneficial effects of poetry on the brain. But do not worry, if you go from time to time to fall asleep on a small volume of Dante. Yes, the poetic text - a powerful simulator for the mind, but it does not only. If this is not suitable, just go to the next.