10 days that will bring the joy of fatherhood
Productivity A Life / / December 19, 2019
Shortly after the birth of her daughter, I went back to work. Almost the entire first year of her life I spent in endless trips. Struggling to come to what is in my mind is a success, I became a victim of his own "businesslike." One day - ironically he was the day of her birth - I realized: she had lived for a year, the main events which I, unfortunately, almost nothing is known.
This was the moment firmly decide to me - as a father and a businessman - it's time to start a new life. A life in which there will always be a simple human joys and events. And most importantly, they definitely will not pass by me.
So, I urge you, overworked fathers and grandfathers, uncles and older brothers! Put your business on 10 days. Devote time to your loved ones, even if they finally feel the warmth and care that they do not have enough in your absence.
Day 1. Cancel an appointment
Remember: everything you need at the time. Its not always enough. That's why you should not be distracted by the continuous stream of calls and letters to work, while in the circle of relatives and close friends. I will assume that the phrase "moment of joy" was coined not by accident.
Open diary and select one of the scheduled meetings on the week by answering the following questions:
- whether the meeting would help in achieving your goals?
- Do the objectives of the meeting with the general strategy of the company?
- You can change the course of the meeting?
- Do notice your absence at the meeting?
- The upcoming meeting will inspire you?
- Will not forthcoming meeting summarizing the content of the previous five?
If you answered "No" to at least one of the questions, to cancel the meeting.
Day 2. Get rid of the obsessions. Free consciousness
The burden of production problems are usually not in a hurry to leave your head, even on the weekend - a situation familiar to many. Yes, always be aware, of course, good. The problem is that you can only be happy here and now, without keeping in mind the thought of unanswered letters and unassigned meetings. Imagine that your brain works on the principle of the vessel, which gradually filled with various current problems. At some point, the place has no choice, it is necessary to "clean up."
Set out all the main operating highlights on paper. Thus you can find the space and what makes you happy it is you. Return-confident smile!
Day 3. Make a list of what you should not do
Usually it happens: the number of tasks is growing little by little, people persistently puts them into your daily schedule. This little list, of course, with each passing day it becomes more and more threatening to the fact that it will have to deal with the rest of your days - a gloomy prospect, agree.
Treat this problem as much as possible is critical. Think about the role of the project, its importance and contribution to the development of the company. Likely among your production problems hiding and those that can be referred to "antispisok". Do not worry, no one is saying that you can forget about them forever. We just fast forward them to the list of things, the meaning of which is in doubt. There also put the task, gradually lost their relevance and have become for you a headache. Free space that will delight you for real!
Day 4. Break the task into several groups to determine how to work with them
Psychologist Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi (Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi) Offers the following definition of "workflow", "state of the human psyche, in which he feels the highest concentration of the degree of involvement in the case and the joy of running them actions. " According to Csikszentmihalyi theory, can cause this condition, distribute tasks among several groups, such as calls, work with correspondence, analysis, writing letters. Performing the same nature activities will allow you to plunge into work with his head.
Day 5. Listen to yourself and think about what is really important today
From time to time we hear the inner voice that keeps saying: "You must do it. If you do not, then... "And so on to infinity. It would seem, do not worry, you will think, a voice says something, reminds even. But the problem here is that these "should" and "if" can instantly turn you into a dismal failure, running after the departing train of your dreams. Pathetic picture, is not it? Do not be in the role of catch-up help to many well-known magic word "no."
Here's how it works.
Whenever a familiar voice gets you to your favorite song on the duties and conventions, do not panic. Ask yourself a few questions. With the result that the company will receive or your family? It is really important? After all, determine the priorities of our lives.
Look for them at all times. Find the motivation needed for decisive action to help all the same "should" and "if." Think, perhaps, some of the questions coming to mind and the problems really require your attention and participation.
They say that the real reason is not always the first. If you think about it, you can get to the bottom of many things and phenomena without assistance. School years, students, first job - is almost certain you will have something to remember. Sometimes even the memories of early childhood, becoming a catalyst, prompting us to ask yourself new questions and find the answers.
Our expectations
Whoa, let's face it. And whether they're yours, these expectations? Or maybe that's what you want from the boss? Mama? Government? Your wife, finally?
Yes, the word on the nature of the sharp and weighty as hitting boxer. Faced with the reality of a face-to-face, to procrastinate and not be lost. Act! It is important to understand exactly what the reasons are the basis for your beliefs in life, then becomes a priority. Nobody ever has the right to decide what you should do.
Day 6. Operate in the "Vacation" mode and not to stay late in the office
The prolonged time definitely not included in the list of measures to improve life and is unlikely to add to her joy. Finally it is time to relax and detach the head from the laptop screen. Noticed how life begins to play paints the last day before vacation? Folder "Inbox" dismantled before lunch, the current projects are completed, the workplace in perfect order, and is a worthy role model. Miracle? Far from it. Meet this phenomenon holidaymaker.
The proximity of holiday sets in the head officer most stringent time frame to disrupt that it is not possible: otherwise the time allotted to rest, will be spent on the work. Agree with this can not be, right?
For this reason, we offer you to work as if there will leave tomorrow. Do not be afraid to overdo it! Displace the sails and start the pre-planned for the benefit of idleness: watch a movie or play soccer with peers. Thus, you increase your productivity on the order of: rest, which is included in the daily routine deliberately not allow you to "stretch" the implementation of important tasks to infinity.
If you're not afraid to play seriously, then skip to the next level: Schedule a meeting With myselfTo how to relax, go do something exceptionally pleasant. Behave as a customer, who is always right - for example, if you want to watch the latest series favorite series right on its release day.
Day 7. Make a short list of productivity enhancing tools
Existing template solutions are commonplace and often ineffective. The same applies to methods for increasing personal productivity, many of which now no longer working. Maybe you have tried to practice and technique of your grandmother's era of youth or to hurt one's eyes peered at his father's drawings. But let's face it - everything has its time. Rules and techniques, alas, are no exception. So do not be lazy to devote half an hour to study and selection related fundsWhich can be really useful for you. In the end, show a healthy ego, because everything is in order that the work could not interfere in your personal life and overshadow her.
Day 8. Take a pause for reflection
I not truthfully say that perfectionism is very helpful in my work. On the other hand, the best - the enemy of good. Aspiring to a certain "ideal" in our understanding of the results, we unconsciously deprive ourselves of a fair share of pleasure from what is happening: simply do not notice how quickly life passes.
Try the following approach to everything that requires your immediate intervention: evaluate each project in terms of benefits for both the organization and for you personally. If you feel doubtful benefit, do not hesitate to consult on this matter with colleagues in order to avoid perfectionism, leading to constant recycling. Made business - walk safely, as they say.
Day 9. Focus on the real work - the one that you like and always brings results
Usually the word "work" few means something very pleasant. Most often comes to mind is something like "a monotonous, monotonous process, killing which occupies a large part of our productive time. " However, we have found that work, subject to the proper organization is able to bring joy.
Analyze your task list and get down to work! First of all it is necessary to deal with the prerequisites: in which cases they can influence the decision-making process, whether they are false or, worse, unfounded. Keep in mind, they also encroach on your time, keeping you on a short leash.
Find out, decide what projects and tasks deserve your attention and sincerely interested in you. Make them to your personal list of tasks for the day, and the rest of the routine, like dinner at the famous proverb, leave the enemy.
There is nothing easier than to succeed, engaged in favorite business. Psychiatrist and founder of the nonprofit educational organization "The National Institute of the game"Stuart Brown (Stuart Brown) dedicated his life to research the impact of games on human life. The work done by Brown, shows that it is thanks to the gameplay, present in our lives, we reserve the ability to think flexibly and intuitively. In addition, the game affects the creativity and helps to find innovative approaches to the solution of other problems.
Stories of people with whom he worked Stuart mostly sad - the effect the lack of game component in the life of each of the participants in the experiment. To avoid being one of them, remember how happy a long time ago, when he heard the school bell, calling on the great change. To pluck up and run! Because the child's life and carefree, that her every day - an exciting game, and summer - a small life.
Day 10. Begin to live!
Smiling child is able to make to glow with joy, even the busiest person in the world of his father. Add to that the feeling of pride that you experience, conclude profitable partnership, received the approval of management or ten-ran cross faster than usual. Oh yeah! Now you have the power to feel the lightness of being, a general atmosphere of celebration and joy. After all, life does not begin at the threshold of the office and does not end with the last paragraph of your plan, right?